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Unit 4 How do you get to school? 主讲人: 刘丽娟 leading in How many kinds of transportation can you name? 你知道有哪些交通工具。 look at the picture and find out how the students in the picture get to school? Key sentence How do you get to school ? 你怎么到校的? I take the subway / take a bus / ride the bike take the train / walk 。 Add more :take the school bus / go in a parent’s car take a taxi / go on a parent’s bike…… Key expression take a/the subway “坐地铁” take a/the bus “坐公交车” ride a/the bike “骑自行车” take a/the train “做火车” take a/the plane “乘飞机” ride a/the bike= by bike take +a /the +交通工具 表示使用某种交通工具,意思等同于by +交通工具 by subway / by bus /by bike / by train / by plane (前者是动词短语,使用冠词,可以直接充当谓语;后者为介词短语,不 加冠词,也不能充当谓语) Eg she by bus to get to school.(错误) 正确形式为:she gets to school by bus. 意义等同于: she takes a bus to get to school. Make a conversation: A How do you get to school ? B I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.. A how long does it take ? B It take me about twenty-five minutes to walk and ten minutes by bus. Key sentence How long does it take ? 需要花费多少时间 It takes me 25 minutes to walk . 知识:it takes sb +时间+to do sth “做某事花费某人多少时间” eg It takes me half an hour to finish homework everyday. It takes she around thirty-five minutes to get to school by train. Number 1—12 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 13—19 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen “几十” thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 百 hundred 千 thousand “几十几” thirty-five twenty-six fifty-nine “几百几” one hundred and five three hundred and eighty-two Exercise Match the number with the correct word. 66 56 132 251 sixty-six two hundred and fifty-one one hundred and thirty-two fifty-six read the passage and answer questions Key sentence How far is it from his home to school ? 意义等同于 How far does he live from school? how far “表示多远” eg How far is it from your home to the train stat


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