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2015年中考英语专题训练(8A Unit6) 一、单词拼写 1. He is very strong_______(然而)his son is weak. 2. They are discussing the roles of men and women in todays_______(社会). 3. Her childhood is_______(记录)in the diaries of those years. 4. White snow_______(覆盖)the land and everything looks white and clean. 5. Can you_______(描述)what you saw to me? 6. The area_______(提供)food and shelter for wildlife. 7. Birds can fly because they have_______(翅膀). 8. Our village has_______(自然的)beauty. 9.Do you know the_______(说话人,演讲者)? 10.You can get the application_______(表格)there. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.If you use binoculars(双筒望远镜),you can watch the birds much_______ (clear). 2. Because of over fishing, local_______ (fisherman) find it more and more difficult to catch fish. 3. It is_______ (nature) that mother birds do their best to protect their eggs. 4. Wild birds here cant live a quiet life if there are too many_______ (tour). 5. Now, more and more people get to know the_______ (important) of saving rare wild animals. 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. Mr Wu_______ (bring) sandwiches for everyone tonight. 2. Thank you for_______ (invite) me to have dinner with you. 3. There are many books for you_______ (choose). 4. My cat_______ (catch)a mouse for food last night. 5. We should prevent the fire_______ (burn) the house. 四、单项选择 ( )1. Poor Jack! A basketball_______ him while he_______ past the playground. A was hitting; was walking B.hit; walked C was hitting; walked D.hit; was walking ( )2. In the old times, people dreamed they could have broad_______ like birds and fly high in the sky. A feathers B necks C. legs D. wings ( )3. - Do you have an email_______? - Yes. You can email me at 13779 @ 126. com A. number B. place C. address D. box ( )4. - What do you think of the question? - I find it quite_______. I can find out the answer_______. A. easy; easy B easily; easily C. easily; easy D. easy; easily ( )5. If you have any problem wi


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