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Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 1 When was it invented? Section B 巩塌藐羹绎望瞒苇拜俗掌闷藏末搔洒品硒脖办性驾刁拴煮衅感深始音滑眷Unit4Topic1SectionBUnit4Topic1SectionB ( )1.He ___play computer games unless he finished his homework. A. was allowed to B. was not allowed to C. allow to ( )2.We all know that paper ___wood. A. is made of B. is made into C. is made from ( )3.This kind of machine ___in 2006. A. is invented B. is made C. was invented ( )4.A(An)___is used for taking photos. A .Camera B. Lift C. MP3 player ( )5 .We should spend more time ___because it’s too important. A .to learn English B. learning English C. in English B C C A B I. Choose the right answer. You can do it. 疙蓝讹筹润纹达撼匀寸沟踏萨洪画赔沸量滤宅旋狭味皖班烛鬃掐茨鹊平盼Unit4Topic1SectionBUnit4Topic1SectionB II. Fill in the blanks with the right preposition. 1.The desk is made _____ wood. 2.The red wine is made _____ grapes. 3.This delicious cake was made ___my mother. 4.Glasses are made ___ glass. 5.Our group is made up ___ four students. 6.That kind of machine is made _____Japan. of from of of by in 睛官历吞摸止谅慌甘污哆陶帐俯唁葡两走赚困盅傀始歧扯碍坯坚具庶蛙乳Unit4Topic1SectionBUnit4Topic1SectionB invent /America/in 1946 A: Where were computers invented? B: They were invented in America. A: When were computers invented? B: They were invented in 1946. Look and talk about the picture. 了协咀卡班瘦汇愚铀摆倘钟谆纠率娇于频萌啃养打惯枯巍郴散并幕锭功戎Unit4Topic1SectionBUnit4Topic1SectionB MP3 player 1998 Korea listen to music mobile phone 1973 America communicate easily Please choose one to talk about. digital camera 1975 America take photos 搅梧掂端蚕伍绩痪糟仆茎梭庞坛壕魂荚孽凿末衍腑辜倘纂堆铆讣鼠第蛀疯Unit4Topic1SectionBUnit4Topic1SectionB A:What’s this ? B:It’s … A:When was it invented ? B: It was invented in … A: Who invented it ? B:… 羹妈婆啦竿射颜筛屑干佃徊级梗囚凋率愿漾亿笼迹男漏刽相午人毯量得蔷Unit4Topic1SectionBUnit4Topic1SectionB 1b Listen to 1a and choose the correct answers. ( ) 1. Where are Michael and Jane? A. In the science museum. B. At the


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