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译林版小学《英语》三年级上册Unit 4 My family 教学设计与反思 苏州市相城区御窑小学 邱丽华 教学内容:Story time 教学目标: 1. 学生能四会单词:family, father, mother, brother, sister. 2. 学生能用“This is (my) ...”介绍家庭成员。 3. 在介绍家庭成员时能用以前所学英语,如年龄、职业、喜好、特点等相关句子丰富英语表达。 4. 学生能听懂、会说、会用句型 “I have got a sweet family”。 5. 学生看到音标能拼读单词,能根据发音规律读出、拼出新单词。 6. 让学生体会幸福家庭的意义“live together, love one another”. 教学重点: 1. 学生能四会单词:family, father, mother, brother, sister. 2. 学生能用“This is (my) ...”介绍家庭成员。 教学难点: 1. 在介绍家庭成员时能用以前所学英语,如年龄、职业、喜好、特点等相关句子丰富英语表达。 2. 学生能听懂、会说、会用句型 “I have got a sweet family”。 3. 学生看到音标能拼读单词,能根据发音规律读出、拼出新单词。 教学准备: 1. PPT课件 2. 人物图片 教学过程: Step1 Warm up Do the quick response before class /b/ /b/ b /f/ /f/ f /e/ /e/ th /?/ /?/ sh ... /?/ /?/ a /a:/ /a:/ a /i/ /i/ i /?/ /?/ o ... /f?/ /fa:/ /mi/ /li/ /maik/ /kla:s/ Step2 Lead in Free talk 出示Mike 图片,问:Who’s he? S: He’s Mike. T: Are you right? Let’s chant “Are you Mike?” Ss: Hi. Hi. Are you Mike? Yes. Yes. You’re right. Hi. Hi. Are you Moe? No. No. I’m Joe. T: (be Mike) Hi. Hi. Are you ...? S: Yes. Yes. You’re right. T: How are you?/ How old are you?/ Who’s he?/ Who’s she?/ What is he?/ What is she?/ Are you a student? ... 2. Introduction (1) PPT: Mike has some questions for you. Who’s this? (This is Tina/Bobby/Sam.) Who’s this? We don’t know. Let’s go and ask Peter. Watch the video about the rhyme: What is she? Peter, Peter, Who is she? She’s my sister, nice and neat. Peter, Peter, What is she? She’s a student, like you and me. Get Ss to fill in the blanks first and answer the questions: Who is she? What is she? Mike wants to introduce his friends to us. Listen! A. This is Su Hai. She’s a student. She’s lovely. She’s my friend. B. This is Liu Tao. He’s a student. He’s smart. He’s my friend. (4) Get Ss to introduce their friends like the models above. Step3 Presentation 1. Teach: This is me. I have got Listen to Mike’s self introduction: This is me! I’m ten. I’m


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