2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit1 section.ppt

2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit1 section.ppt

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Section Ⅲ Using Language I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room.(Page 7, Reading and writing 2) 我很赞赏那些寻 找琥珀屋的人们。 1.think highly of 看重;器重;赞赏;高度评价 典例 His students think highly of his teaching. 学生对他的教学十分赞赏。 拓展 think highly/well/a lot/much of 重视……;对……评价高 think little/nothing/poorly/ill of 看轻……;对……评价不高 沪俏躁咎把溉才拇再娥折急毙乘酮翅桔收友坚袋毛鳞芯澄除隐厕颓疗索迢2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit1 section 运用 完成句子 ①Many experts __________________________ (高度评价) this painting. ②I ______________________________ (看不起) those who always speak ill of others. think highly/well/a lot/much of think little/nothing/poorly/ill of 裂呈忘计晃望荡蜕岁竟豹欣啤邢出妆鹤述拍乾粪四供挠省迢铺永髓忆俄寂2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit1 section systems.他们就几种不同体制的优点辩论了一个多小时。 They debate the question freely.他们自由地辩论这个问题。 拓展 debate (on/over/about) sth.with sb.和某人辩论某事 debate whether to do sth.讨论是否做某事 under debate 在辩论中 岸婪突擎媒征沦薛昔玖泰影晋疟钨揍买苛根譬醒束回侵恢烈睦带礁噪腿拄2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit1 section Tips for an informal class debate (Page 7, Reading and writing 3)一次非正式班级辩论的提示 2.debate 点拨 (1)n.争论;辩论 We had a heated debate yesterday. 昨天我们开了一场激烈的辩论会。 (2)vt. vi.争论;辩论 They debated for over an hour on the merits of the different 谜淘棚跃贩陈朗澄煤楔俯呻死搁尿致炯逾奎帮磁炭居展逝刽椎菲增页森锌2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit1 section 运用 完成句子 ①Be patient.The proposal is _______________________ ( 在 讨论中). ② I ______________________ Mary ___________________ (和……讨论了) the topic. ③The students are ____________________ (讨论是否去) for a picnic or not. under debate debated with on/over/about debating whether to go 哄撰破葱湖诸拷腊历传权经聪翁挫更破厕彭毯绘叁好摆冕相扁瞬抉唉绍刻2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit1 section He/She only cares about whether the eyewitness has given true information, which must be facts rather than opinions.(Page 5, Using Language, Reading and listening 1, Line 10)他/她关心的只是目击者是否提供了真实的信息,这些 信息必须是事实而不是个人的观点或看法。 稀过洪荣癸恤旅溢炉浊耙阵蓑会修赊井腹搐句渤脸禹听追俏竖鹿裁黄馒县2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit1 section 点拨 rather than 常用来连接平行结构,其后可接名词、代 词


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