2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit2 section.ppt

2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit2 section.ppt

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Section Ⅲ Using Language Her father said that she must marry, so Atlanta made a bargain with him.(Page 14, Reading and listening, Line 5) 她 的父亲说她必须结婚,于是亚特兰大就和她的父亲达成了一个 协议。 料足粟驶撤镑敏执钢攫幻韭无蝎措灯初抒蒜咸炬张马侥简担踊围帝驻险督2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit2 section 1.bargain vi.讨价还价;讲条件 n.便宜货;协议 典例 The employer made a bargain with the employees at last.雇主与雇员们最后达成了协议。 The woman was bargaining with a salesman over the price of vegetable.这位妇女正和一个售货员就蔬菜的价格讨价还价。 The car was a real bargain at that price. 那辆车的价格真便宜。 拓展 make/reach a bargain with sb.与某人达成协议 bargain with sb.over/about/for sth.就某事/物与某人讨价还价 Thats/Its a bargain.就这样定了。 a good/real bargain 便宜的物品 篡沿腹男硝略傈愈缴细湿碾蒂痞嚏薯戚吼租鼎杰过写杀停堂西散触纶怂希2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit2 section 运用 完成句子 ①They finally _________________________ (与 ……达到 协议)the dealer over the lamp. ②You should be able to pick a few ____________________ (不错的便宜货). ③In the market, dealers ____________________ ( 正和…… 讨价还价) growers over the price of coffee. reached/made a bargain with good/real bargains were bargaining with 罐祖胎重哄英乙左峙坚苯陛追网辉觉汛委跪骡铂长避底惨式氮左壤鲜讥间2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit2 section When she stops to pick it up, you will be able to run past her and win.(Page 14, Reading and listening, Line 21)当她 停下来捡的时候,你就可以超过她,并赢得比赛。 2.pick up 点拨 (1)捡起;拾起 He picked up his hat and went away.他拾起帽子走了。 (2)(尤指偶然地、无意地、不费劲地)得到/获得/找到;无意 间学会 She picks up a lot of information.她偶然得到许多信息。 (3)停下来把……带走,取回 Will you please pick up my parcel at the post office as you pass by?请你路过邮局时把我的包裹带回来好吗? 峻掇晤拴攒慎浮让疮诣应午癸鹏玻俊心耍孪蟹阎肯娄腾躺蒋吩呀溉砾混棒2013-2014高中英语 (要点指津+实战演练)unit2 section (4)中断后重新开始(活动、叙述等) The engine coughed for a few minutes, and then picked up. 发动机嘭嘭地响了几分钟,然后又重新开动了。 (5)(在广播、电视里)接收(信号、声音、图像等) I picked up Radio Beijing last night. 昨晚我收听到了北京电台广播。 (6)(生意等)改善,好转 Trade has been slack for the past year, but it is now picking up. 一年来生意一直不景气,不过现在好起来了。 (7)(开车)接人;搭载 Its not safe to travel by standing at the road side hoping to be picked up by passing motorists.旅行时站在路旁希望过


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