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牡丹江师范学院 学士学位论文 牡丹江市居民幸福指数综合评价 学院: 理学院 姓名: 谭琦 专业:数学与应用数学(金融精算方向) 学号: 2012052032 指导老师: 赵文英 职称: 副教授 I 牡丹江师范学院学士学位论文 牡丹江市居民幸福指数综合评价 摘要:幸福感表示的是人们的一种心理体验,它不但是生活的客观条件和自身 所处的生存状况的事实判断,同时也是对生活的主观意义及满足程度的价值判 断。随着社会经济的高速发展,生活节奏的不断加快,城市居民的压力在逐步增 加,幸福感也有下降的趋势,因此研究如何提高城市居民的幸福指数是十分必要 的。本文以牡丹江为例,通过查阅大量的参考文献和相关数据,构建了牡丹江市 居民幸福指数指标体系;然后,论文从客观和主观两大方面对牡丹江市居民幸福 程度进行评价;客观方面,这里采用因子分析法对各指标进行综合评价,发现牡 丹江市居民幸福程度在逐渐提高;主观方面,根据设计的调查问卷,随机对牡丹 江市民进行调查,得到各指标数据幸福程度的指数。最后,对结果进行总结和分 析,希望能为改善城市居民的幸福指数提供一点参考。 关键词 : 幸福感;指标体系;因子分析法;综合评价 I 牡丹江师范学院学士学位论文 Comprehensive Evaluation of the ResidentsHappiness Index in Mudanjiang City Abstract:Happiness was a kind of psychological experience. It was not only the objective conditions of life and living conditions of fact judgment, but also the subjective meaning of life and meet degree of valuejudgment.Along with the rapid development of social economy and the accelerating pace of life, the pressure of urban residents gradually was increased andhappiness also had atendency to decline. Therefore,the research on how to improvethe happinessindex ofurban residentswas very necessary. In Mudanjiang, for example, by consulting a large number of references and data,itsresidentshappiness index system was constructed;Then, from two aspects of objective and subjective , The degree of happiness of the residents of Mudanjiang city was evaluated.In the objective aspect, the factor analysis method is adoptedto carry on the comprehensive appraisal to each index;Mudanjiang residents ofthe degree ofhappiness is gradually improving;In the subjective aspect, according to the design of the questionnaire, I randomly


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