2014天津专用高一英语同步精练:Module 2 Period Two Listening and Speaking(外研版必修4).docVIP

2014天津专用高一英语同步精练:Module 2 Period Two Listening and Speaking(外研版必修4).doc

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2014天津专用高一英语同步精练:Module 2 Period Two Listening and Speaking(外研版必修4).doc

2014天津专用高一英语同步精练:Module 2 Period Two Listening and Speaking(外研版必修4) Module 2 Traffic Jam Period Two Listening and Speaking;Function;Pronunciation;Writing and Everyday English 同步精练(外研版必修4,天津专用) 时间:40分钟 Ⅰ.短语填空 1.________me,his suggestion is well worth trying. 2.It's very important for us to______in face of danger. 3.Remember to________all the lights when you leave the office . 4.The building of the largest bridge across the river in Asia is________. 5.People are worried about the man lying________the street. 6.There is________I apologize to him;it's all his fault. 7.The boy seems to________coffee________any other drink. 8.The teacher________the children________groups and then the game began. 9.Unfortunately,his car________in the sand and couldn't move. 10.He always tell lies;________,no one believes him. 答案 1.In the opinion of 2.keep cool 3.switch off 4.in progress 5.in the middle of 6.no way 7.prefer,to 8.divided,into 9.got stuck 10.as a result Ⅱ.完成句子 1.他关上灯后就匆忙离开了。 He left in a hurry after he________. 2.老师告诉我们做实验时要保持冷静。 The teacher told us to________when we did an experiment. 3.也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。 It may take a long time to____________________________________________. 4.他每星期一情绪都很坏。 He's always ________on Mondays. 5.我们认为这个问题值的认真讨论。 We think the question_________________________________________. 答案 1.switched off the light 2.keep cool 3.find a solution to the problem 4.in a bad mood 5.is well worth discussing Ⅲ.单项填空 1.—You two should help each other to finish the work. —________.He always thinks more of himself but less of others. A.All right B.Don't mention it C.No way D.Sounds good 解析 由答语He always thinks more of himself but less of others可知答话人拒绝了说话人的提议。句意为:——你们两个应该相互帮助来完成工作。——没门。他总是多为自己着想而很少为别人着想。 答案 C 2.Some students find certain grammar points and structures very difficult;________,teachers need a reliable source of practice material to get these points across effectively. A.however B.as a result C.even so D.what's more 解析 as a result 因此。句意为:有些学生发现某些语法点



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