《棉花买卖合同样本中英文(doc 39页)》.doc

《棉花买卖合同样本中英文(doc 39页)》.doc

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《棉花买卖合同样本中英文(doc 39页)》

棉花买卖合同(附英文)棉花买卖合同 COTTON PURCHASE CONTRACT (适用于非国产棉贸易) APPLICABLE TO NON- CHINESE COTTON TRADE 中国棉花协会制定 INSTITUTED BY CHINA COTTON ASSOCIATION 2006年4月 棉花买卖合同 COTTON PURCHASE CONTRACT 合同编号: 日期: Contract No.: Date: 买方: 卖方: Buyer: Seller: 地址: 地址: Address: Address: 电话: 电话: Tel: Tel: 传真: 传真: Fax: Fax: 电子邮件: 电子邮件: E-mail: E-mail: 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买、卖方同意出售下述商品: This Contract is made and entered into by and between the Buyer and the Seller; and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following commodity: 1 商品名称 1 Commodity 产地: Origin: 生产年度: Crop year: 类别: (细绒棉 ,长绒棉) Category: _________ (upland cotton, long-staple cotton) 加工方式: ?锯齿棉 ?皮辊棉 Ginning: ? saw ginned ? roller ginned 2 规格/质量 2 Specifications/Quality 级别: ? USDA通用棉花标准 Grade: ? USDA Universal Cotton Standards  ? 凭小样(小样型号) ?  by type: 长度: (英寸,毫米) Staple Length: (inch/mm) 马克隆值:       NCL Micronaire:       NCL 断裂比强度值: 最小值 克/特克斯,平均值 克/特克斯以上 Strength: minimum grams/tex, average above grams/tex 3 数量 3 Quantity 净重: (吨,磅,包) Net Weight: (ton/pound/bale) 溢短装率:    %(默认值为1.5%) ? 不允许多装 Weight Tolerance Ratio    %( If not specified here, 1.5% will be applied) ? Excess not allowed 吨与磅的换算公式: 1吨=2204.62磅 Conversion between ton and pound: 1 ton=2204.62 pounds 4价格 4 Price 单价: (美分/磅,人民币元/吨) Unit Price: (USC(cent)/pound or RMB(Yuan)/ton) 价格条件: (CIF,CFR, FOB,其它) Terms: (CIF, CFR, FOB or others) 总价: (美元,人民币元) Total Value: (USD/RMB) 5付款方式 ? 信用证 ? 凭单托收 ? 其它 5 Payment Terms ? Letter of Credit ? D/P ? Others 6重量、质量检验:CIQ检验证书为结算和索赔的依据 6 Weight and Quality Inspection: CIQ Inspection Certificate shall be the basis for settlement and compensation 7装运/交货日期:从——(年月日)到——(年月日),或按月等量装运/交货(每月数量) (吨,磅,包) 7 Shipment / Delivery: shipment /delivery from_________(mm/dd/yy) to_______(mm/dd/yy) Or equal monthly shipment/delivery as follows: ___________( ton, pound, bale) 8目的地: 8 Destination: 9一般条款 9 General Terms 一般条款为本合同不可分割的一部分。对该条款中任何一款的修改和删除应在备注中注明。 The General T


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