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* * * * * * * * * * * * 唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 106. A zero-down mortgage is not your solution to buying real estate; it’s financial suicide. 106. 用零頭款買房子不是購屋置產,那是財務自殺 導向成功的金玉良言 成功秘碼 21條 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for next page Remember, that when purchasing real estate, do not go beyond your financial means. Taking on too much debt will not make your life easier; it will only make you live in stress and panic. 「購屋置產時,不可超過你的財務能力。打腫臉充胖子,舉債過度,不會使你財務變得更寬鬆,相反的,只會使你財務變得更緊張 / 驚慌。」 Without detailed financial planning, you should not take on a loan to invest in anything—it could be very risky to do so. 「沒有詳盡的財務計劃之前,就冒失的借錢投資,這是極其危險的事。 」 You need to evaluate your financial capacity prior to buying a house. You must not bite off more than you can chew and go beyond your financial means. 「買房子的時候,要衡量自己的實力,千萬不要打腫臉充胖子,超越自己財務負擔的極限。」 People with no habit of saving money tend to buy on credit, over-charging their credit cards. 「許多沒有儲蓄習慣的人,總是「提前消費、超前消費」,亂刷信用卡就是一例。」 It’s a very dangerous habit to over-charge on credit cards and buy things with borrowed money. 「刷爆信用卡,借錢消費,絕對是一種要不得的壞習慣。」 You’re not buying a house by taking on a zero-down mortgage—you are effectively committing financial suicide. 「用零頭款買房子不是購屋置產,而是財務自殺。」 People who take on zero-down mortgages too often end up in tragedy—they either lose their house or their credit. 「用零頭款買房子的人,多數沒有好下場,不是房子被沒收,就是信用破產。」 When buying a house, you must clearly understand why you’re making the purchase and your financial capacity, striking a balance between wish and reality. 「買房子的時候,一定先要知道你的購屋目的與財務實力,並在希望與現實中做一個平衡。」 You can’t buy a house with no money, let alone a big and fancy mansion. This should be common sense, and yet some people still choose to ignore their own limitations. 「沒有錢不能買房子,沒有錢也不能買大房子,沒有錢也更不能買豪宅。這些簡單的道理人人都懂,但是就是有人守不住這個量入為出的原則。」 If your income can only afford a house of $200,000, don’t go for one that costs half a million. If you really want a house that costs half a million, don’t dream of getting it for just $200,



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