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内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书(毕业论文) 题 目:行政许可审查中自由裁量权的规制 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业:法学 班 级:法学2011-1班 指导教师: 论行政许可审查中自由裁量权的规制 摘要 现代行政的特点。但实现行政法治,,。 On the Regulation of Discretion in the Review of Administrative Licensing Abstract The characteristic of modern administration is that the administrative department has a strong power of discretion, which makes the executive power expand rapidly, and it gives the government discretion to improve the administrative efficiency.But in order to prevent the abuse of discretion, to realize the administrative rule of law, we must regulate the exercise of this right, so as to avoid the negative impact of its abuse. In this paper,the author discusses the background,current situation and significance of the research.In the full understanding of the basis,Analysis the present situation of the administrative license free discretion right and existing problems, mainly the fuzziness of legal system, lack of effective supervision system, to establish administrative license examination evaluation system.Combined with the experience and Enlightenment of foreign countries, the combination of external supervision and internal supervision can be realized, which can better realize the regulation of administrative licensing discretion.From the legal system,supervision system, evaluation and review standards and the development of the implementation of standards.The four aspects of the administrative licensing discretion to regulate, in order to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterpart and regulate the government departments according to law. Keywords :Administrative License; Review; Discretion; Rules and Regulations; Strategy 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1研究背景及意义 1 1.2国内外研究现状 2 1.3研究方法及内容 3 1.4研究思路及创新? 3 第二章 行政许可审查中自由裁量权概述 5 2.1行政许可审查自由裁量权的含义及特点 5 2.2行政许可审查中自由裁量权的相关依据 6 2.3行政许可审查中自由裁量权的作用 6 第三章 行政许可审查中自由裁量权运用现状及问题 8 3.1行政许可审查中自由裁量权运用现状 8 3.2行政许可审查中自由裁量权存在的问题 9 3.2.1法律制度的


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