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摘要 造纸工业的发展直接关系整个国民经济的发展,在现代社会对各类纸张的消费水平在某种程度上标志着一个国家的文明程度。随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对各类纸的消费需求越来越大,进而对纸机的自动化控制要求也越来越高。据此,本文结合纸机的生产工艺及其工作过程分析了纸机对其电气传动控制系统的设计要求,并按照对控制系统的要求分析研究了各分部的控制原理得出相应的控制方案。 本文采用国内外较成熟的总体设计结构,即三级控制网络,变频器与电机等相关的控制设备构成第一控制级,通过Profibus-DP与整个控制系统的核心单元也就是第二控制级PLC进行数据的通信,PLC不仅可以通过Profibus-DP与现场的操作面板进行数据通信以达到实时控制的作用,而且又能通过高速的工业以太网与第三控制级即上位机管理操作控制室进行连接,最后设计了基于现场总线的纸机电气传动控制系统,该控制系统的设计解决了纸机整体复杂的控制系统难以控制的问题。 所设计的系统经过在实际生产中的投入运行,纸机的车速得到了进一步的提高,满足了纸机对控制系统的各项要求,且具有较高的稳定性和可靠性,提高了企业的生产效率及效益,促进了造纸工业自动化技术的发展水平,所以该系统的设计与研究的成果具有在工业应用中大力推广的价值。 关键词:现场总线;变频器;Profibus-DP;PLC ABSTRACT The paper industry is closely linked with national economic development and social civilization.The paper and paperboard consumption level is a measurement of one of the important symbol of the degree of modernization and civilization of a country.With the development of national economy and the improve of people’ living standards,people’s consumption demand for various types of paper is increasing,thus the machine automation control requirements have become more sophisticated.Accordingly, this paper combined the paper machine production process and its working process,analyzed design requirements of the machine to its electric transmission control system.and in accordance with the requirements of the control system,analysis and study of the various segments of the control principle to draw the corresponding control program. his paper used more mature overall design structure at home and abroad that is the three level control network,inverter and motor and related control devices constitute the first control level,data communication via ProfibusDP with the core unit of entire control system that is the second control level PLC,PLC not only via ProfibusDP and the scene of the operation panel for data communication in order to achieve real-time control,but also by high—speed industrial Ethernet connect to the third control level that is the host computer management operations control


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