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目 录 摘 要 1 ABSTRACT 2 第一章 绪论 3 1.1 磨削强化的工艺优势 3 1.2 当前国内外的研究状况 5 1.3 本课题拟开展的主要工作 7 第二章 温度标定 8 2.1 热电偶概述 8 2.2 40Cr-康铜非标准热电偶的标定 10 第三章 温度测量试验 14 3.1 40Cr钢的简介 14 3.2 40Cr钢磨削强化的可行性分析 15 3.3 测温的目的与意义 16 3.4 磨削用量条件的优化 16 3.5 温度测量 18 第四章 试验结果及其分析 24 4.1 40Cr磨削强化试验显微硬度梯度分析 24 4.2 硬化层金相分析 27 4.3 淬硬层硬度厚度稳定性分析 31 第五章 结论与展望 33 5.1 结论 33 5.2 展望 33 致 谢 35 参 考 文 献 36 摘 要 磨削强化是利用粗磨产生的磨削热对工件表面进行强化的新技术,可以将磨削加工和工件表面强化复合为一体。为考察磨削强化的效果,以调质后的40Cr为试验对象,采用棕刚玉砂轮在MMD7125平面磨床上对磨削强化用量条件进行了优化;采用半人工热电偶法对磨削温度进行了测量,对冷却速度进行了确定;利用HSX-1000型全自动显微硬度测试仪测定了磨削强化层的显微硬度;在金相显微镜上利用数码相机拍摄了金相组织照片。试验结果表明:磨削硬化层金相组织、显微硬度和硬化深度均满足表面强化要求。完全硬化区由细小针状马氏体、残余奥氏体和少量点状碳化物组成,过渡区由马氏体和回火索氏体(珠光体)组成;硬化区显微硬度在HV512-700之间,硬化层深度达到了1.2mm。 关键词:40Cr,磨削强化,温度测量,显微硬度,金相组织,硬化深度 ABSTRACT The grinding hardening is a new technology of grinding and hardening workpiece surfaces using grinding heat during the course of coarse grinding. It can integrate the grinding process with the surface hardening process. To investigate the effect of grinding hardening, the parameter of grinding hardening of 40Cr is optimized with the grinding wheel of corundum on flat surface grinding machine of MMD7125. The temperature of grinding is measured by the way of half artificial thermocouple and the speed of cooling is confirmed. The microhardness is measured by automatic microhardness test instrument of HSX-1000. The photo of metallography is shot on electron microscope with digital camera. The results of the test indicate that the microstructure of hardened layer, microhardness and the depth of hardened layer all meet the request of surface hardening. The completely hardening region is composed of fine acicular martensites,residual austenites and a few dot-like carbonides and the transition region is made up of martensites and sorbites (pearlite). The microhardness of hardening region is HV512-700 and the depth of hardened layer reaches to 1.2mm. Keywords: 40Cr, grinding hardening, temperature measuring , micro


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