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多功能电子钟的设计与实现 摘 要 电子时钟主要是利用电子技术将时钟电子化、数字化,拥有时钟精确、体积小、界面友好、可扩展性能强等特点,被广泛应用于生活和工作当中。另外,在生活和体育赛场中,也常常需要跑秒,这就需要电子时钟具有多功能性。 本设计主要为实现一款可正常显示时钟,带有定时闹铃,跑秒的多功能电子时钟。 本文对当前电子钟开发手段进行了比较和分析,最终确定了采用单片机技术实现多功能电子时钟。本设计应用AT89C51芯片作为核心,利用74LS164作为串入并出的寄存器,7位LED数码管显示,并且设置按键来对分秒小时闹铃等进行校对。这种实现方法的优点是电路简单,性能可靠,实时性好,时间精度高,操作简单,编程容易。 该电子时钟可以应用于一般的生活和工作中,也可通过改装,提高性能,增加新功能,从而给人们的生活和工作带来更多的方便。 关键词:电子时钟;AT89C51;74LS164;LED; The Design with Investigation of the Multi-function Electron Clock Abstract Electronic clock is the use of electronic technology will be an electronic clock, digital, with the clock precision, small size and friendly interface, scalable performance, and other characteristics, are widely used to live and work. In addition, in the field of sports and life, often need to run second, which requires electronic clock with versatility. The main design for the realization of this can be a normal clock display, from time to time with alarm, running the second multi-function electronic clock. This article on the current development of the electronic clock means were compared and analyzed to determine the ultimate use of a single chip multifunctional electronic clock technology. AT89C51 chip design of this application as the core, to use as a 74LS164 and a string into the register, 7 LED digital display and button set up to every minute of the hour for alarm, and other proof-reading. This method has the advantage of a simple circuit, reliable and real-time, high-accuracy time, simple, easy to program. The electronic clock can be applied to general life and work, can also be modified to improve performance, add new functions to the people living and working more convenient. Key words: Electronic clock; AT89C51; 74LS164; LED; 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 引 言 5 1.1 多功能电子时钟研究的背景和意义 5 1.2 电子时钟的功能 6 第二章 电子时钟设计方案分析 7 第三章 基于单片机的电子时钟硬件设计 8 3.1 主要IC芯片选择 8 3.1.1微处理器的选择………………………………………………………………8 3.1.2寄存器的选择………………………………………………………………...11 3.1.3显示器件的选择…………………………………………………………



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