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设计(论文)题目 学 院: 学生姓名: 专业班级: 学 号: 指导教师: 20 年 月 日 摘要 “车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车”,这是丰田汽车公司广为人知的名言,各型丰田汽车经济、适用且便于维修的优点深受广大汽车消费者喜爱,这使得丰田汽车在我国的汽车保有量呈稳步增长的趋势。在自动变速箱方面,为方便理解、掌握和维修 Abstract Car to Piedmont Road, a road must be Toyota, Toyota Motor Corporation is well-known quote, all types of Toyota Motor economy, and ease of maintenance of benefits for the majority of cars by consumers, which makes Toyota car ownership in China showed a steady growth trend. In the automatic transmission, the majority of consumers like the Japanese cars, Toyota Hondas automatic transmission compared to smooth shift to much, and we developed their own national self-determination only Geely automatic transmission, indicating the complexity of the automatic transmission sex, but also to test and repair a lot of trouble, at present, most of our workers engaged in vehicle maintenance and technical personnel structure of the Toyota automatic transmission models, principles, testing and maintenance is still relatively unknown, in order to facilitate understanding, mastering and maintenance of the points is able to do, so I chose the majority of consumers like the Toyota models common troubleshooting automatic transmission as my research topic. Research summarized as an overview of Toyota change, structural characteristics and composition; and classic Toyota transmission A341E, A340E structural characteristics of the Toyota A341E automatic transmission works; Finally, Toyota Automatic Transmission A341E, A340E Automatic Transmission Troubleshooting the case of diagnosis of the phenomenon. Through the thesis not only enrich their own classic Toyota automatic transmission on the structure, working principle of understanding and knowledge of classical automatic transmission while the common faults have a more spec


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