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单位代码 01 学 号 080110054 分 类 号 TN.92 密 级 毕业论文 TD-SCDMA系统KPI的优化分析 院(系)名称 信息工程学院 专业名称 通信工程 学生姓名 姚佳佳 指导教师 唐海玲 2012年5月15日 TD-SCDMA系统KPI的优化分析 摘 要 移动通信系统广泛的应用于各个领域,无论是军事还是民用都得到了应用。一个无线网络建成以后都面临不断地调整和优化,而KPI(网络关键性能指标)是无线网络性能优化的重要方面。 作为中国自主知识产权的TD-SCDMA系统有着它独有的优势和特点。本文内容基于第三代移动通信系统TD-SCDMA来讨论无线网络KPI的优化过程、优化内容、优化措施及相关案例分析。首先,说明了KPI专项优化在保证TD-SCDMA系统正常运行的重要意义,充分体现了移动通信网络优化的必要性和重要性。其次,对TD-SCDMA系统及其关键技术进行了较为详细地介绍;然后详细说明了TD-SCDMA系统的KPI组成,针对每一项指标都给出了相应的优化方略,最后列举一些实际案例,并利用相关软件进行路测分析的数据提取并进行数据分析,进一步提取问题原因,提出解决措施来说明KPI指标优化在现实中的操作。 关键词:TD-SCDMA,KPI指标,网络优化 The ptimization of the TD-SCDMA System KPI analysis Author:Yao Jiajia Tutor:Tang Hailing Abstract Mobile communication systems are widely used in various fields , whether military or civilian , has been applied . After the completion of a wireless network , all face to constantly adjust and optimize the KPIs (network key performance indicators ) is an important aspect of wireless network performance optimization . TD-SCDMA system as an independent intellectual property rights in China has its unique advantages and characteristics . This article is based on third generation mobile communication system of TD -SCDMA, to discuss the optimization process of the wireless network KPI , optimize content , optimization measures and related case studies . First, the KPI special optimization to ensure the normal operation of the TD-SCDMA system , the importance of , and fully reflects the necessity and importance of the mobile communication network optimization . Secondly, the TD-SCDMA system and its key technologies , a more detailed description ; detailed description of the TD-SCDMA system KPI gives the corresponding optimization strategy for each of the indicators , and finally give some practical cases , and use of relevant software for the analysis of drive test data extraction


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