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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于LS单片机的无刷直流电 机系统的研究与设计 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 学 生 指导教师 2013 年 基于LS单片机无刷直流电机控制系统的研究与设计 专业:电气工程及其自动化 班级:电气095 作者: 指导教师: 职称:讲师 高工 答辩日期:2013-6-21 摘 要 为了解决客车、城市公交车在实际使用中发动机不同温度状况下的散热问题,有效地保证发动机的正常使用温度,车载电子风扇是最佳选择。 为了研发一款低成本的控制器,较好地控制无刷直流电机,本文着重研究了无刷直流电机(永磁同步电机)的控制策略及其实现方法。本文最终确定了无刷直流电机的变压变频开环控制方式,其能够实现在基频以下进行恒压频比控制,在基频以上进行恒功率控制 实验结果证明,这种控制方法控制可靠,成本低廉,能够获得良好的动静态性能。经过最 终测试,本次设计系统可达到如下指标,电机能够在6s之内转速迅速升高至3000RPM,且起动成功率为100%,输出电流最大2A,输出最高频率200HZ,直流母线侧电压12V,最大功率24W。 关键词:无刷直流电机,LS052Ax单片机,SPWM脉宽调制,低成本 Abstract In order to solve the problem of heat dissipation of the vehicle engine under different temperature conditions, ensuring the normal use of the vehicle engine, electric fan is the best choice. This paper aims to study a kind of low-cost brushless DC motor controller. This paper mainly studies the brushless DC motor (PMSM) control strategy and its realization method aiming a low-cost controller. This paper determines the VVVF open-loop control mode, which can achieve Constant control in the following baseband, constant power control in the above baseband. This design uses LS052Ax microcontroller as control core, which is mainly used to send the SPWM wave; the main circuit is a three-phase voltage source inverter. Frequency increases by the given integral method. Experimental results show that this control method is reliable, low-cost, and can obtain good dynamic and static performance. In the final test, the design of the system can achieve the following indicators: the motor can accelerate to 3000RPM within 6 seconds, and the motor can finish setup each time; the maximum output current is 2A; the maximum output frequency is 200HZ; the DC bus voltage is 12V; the maximum power is 24W. key words: brushless DC motor, LS052Ax MCU, SPWM, VVVF, low cost 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 毕业设计(论文)课题来源、类型 1 1.2 选题的目的及意义 1 1.3 本课题在国内外的研究状况及发展趋势 1 1.4 本毕业设计


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