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本科毕业设计说明书 题 目:基于c/s结构的简单工作流 应用系统 学生姓名:张志鑫 学 院:信息工程学院 系 别:计算机系 专 业:计算机科学与技术 班 级:计算机04-4 指导教师:苏依拉 副教授 钱庭荣 工程师 摘 要 该系统为一个C/S(Client/Server)架构的网上订书系统,实现了对工作流的应用,了购书系统中存在的团队协作工作中遇到的一些问题,使得操作更加的简便和有序。该系统操作了Oracle数据库,通过JAVA语言实现了工作流的整体控制和实现过程。基于C/S架构,使得用户操作简便迅速,界面大量的使用了JAVA中的GUI编程,实现了表现层。在系统中使用稳定性和可靠性良好的JDBC实现了数据的持久化,应用了工作流技术,使得实际应用过程中的群体协同工作能更好的配合实现。实现点对点的连接建立,所有交流记录的备份,系统实现了用户和管理人员之间的工作流转应用。 本文主要完成了对整个工作流的概念的阐述,以及系统的介绍和开发过程的阐述。该系统包括用户和管理员两大模块,整个应用流程是以用户的下订单开始,并以管理员发货,用户收货作为工作流的结束。系统体现了一个简单的工作流转应用问题。本文主要分为项目意义及背景概况、相关技术及工具介绍、系统需求分析与详细设计几个部分,仔细的对系统进行了阐述。 关键词:工作流技术;C/S架构;工作流 Abstract The system is a C/S structure for the purchase,complete the work flow applications , solved the problem that team meet in the purchase system they encountered , making the operation more simply and orderly .The system operated the Oracle Database,achieve the control of work flow and the process of achievementJAVA.Based on C / S structure,users operate simply and quickly,to achieve the view a lot of interface used in the JAVA GUI programming.In the system used the technology of JDBC that stability and reliability to save the data,used work flow technology,making the process of application achieve better .To build the connection from one to another,backup all of records,the system had completed the application circulation between users and management of the work. In this paper,completed the whole concept of the work flow,introduce the system systematic and described development of the process.The system includes two modules users and administrators,the whole application process is start with user post the form, and administrator check the order,end the work flow with users receiving the goods. System reflected a simple work flow applications.This paper is divided into the background and significance of the project profile,technology and equipment,systems analysis and design,work flow to achieve several parts.Described the system carefully. Keywords: workflo


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