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摘 要 本设计是对传统的卧式车床的小刀架进给系统的改进。传统的卧式车床小刀架进给系统只有手动进给,本设计通过对传统车床的改造,增加了机动进给功能,降低了操作工人的劳动强度,提高了生产效率。在设计过程中,借鉴了国内外一些现有车床的设计改进方案,结合滕州机床厂现有的机床,通过查阅资料对整体传动方案的设计、连接方式的设计、摩擦磨损及润滑的设计、轴系零部件的设计,最终完成了对小刀架进给系统的改进。 卧式车床小刀架进给系统设计主要包括对传动系统的结构设计及各个关键零部件的强度校核。传统系统的结构设计:本次设计主要是依靠齿轮传动来传递运动,通过直齿圆柱齿轮的啮合来改变传动比,通过锥齿轮的啮合来改变传动方向。齿轮与轴之间主要通过键连接来传递运动。轴的设计工作要注意依据强度计算来确定轴的最小直径。再根据与标准件的配合、轴的轴向固定与等原则来确定轴的各个部分的直径、轴肩等。箱体的设计:箱体采用铸造的方法加工成型,根据使用要求采用HT150.。箱体的结构设计要注意与之配合的轴、轴承、轴套等,使箱体的结构能与之配合。最终小刀架的移动通过丝杠螺母机构来实现。 本次设计增加了小刀架的机动进给,减轻了工人的劳动强度,提高了生产效率,极大的提高了机床的自动化水平和功能。 关键词:卧式车床;进给系统;小刀架;车床升级改造。 ABSTRACT This design is to do some improvements to the small turret lathe feeding system. Roditional small turret lathe feeding system only has manual feeding system .This design can mobile feed so that it can Reduce the labor intensity and improve the production efficiency.During the design process,I drawed on some examples at home and abroad about the improvements of lathe .Combined with some exsiting lathes in machine tool plant of tengzhou.,we acess to a lot of information about lathe,and finally we finished this design . This design mainly includes the design of the structure and the stength checking of the import parts .The design of structure:we transmit motion by the gear.We can change the tranmission ratio by the spur gears and change the drection by the bevel gears.The transmit motion between the gears and axis is maily transmited by the bond .During the design ,we must calculate first minimum diameter of the axis.The design of box :the box is maded with the method of casting and the material is HT150.The moving of the small rurret lathe feeding syetem is achieved by screw nuts. This design can mobile feed so that it can Reduce the labor intensity and improve the production efficiency .it also improved the level of automation greatly . Key words:Horizontal lathe; small knife; feed; machine reformation. 目 录 摘要………………………………………………..…….….……………. I ABSTRACT……………………………………………………


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