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【浙江名师点睛】2016高考英语二轮全程练习1--(6)及解析答案 课标词汇·基础语法演练课时6 课标词汇(6)与连词和状语从句 【课标词汇演练】 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.He has been away from home for almost one month,so ______________ to lack food for lack of cash,his father estimated. 他已离家出走近一个月,所以他可能因为缺少现金而买不起食物,他父亲估计说。 2.________________ they went abroad,the tourists were so curious about everything that they couldnt help purchasing many goods,which made it difficult to control the budget. 游客们第一次出国时会对一切充满好奇心以至于禁不住会买很多东西,这样一来就很难控制预算了。 3.The different kinds of media ________________ that we obtain a large amount of valuable information in time. 各种各样的媒体使我们有可能及时地获得许多有价值的信息。 4.Many countries are reported ________________ to research and develop the new sort of cars so as to face the energy crisis. 据报道,很多国家正采取各种手段研发新型汽车,以应对能源危机。 5.Not until the entire river was covered with rotten fish which died from acid rain ________________ how serious the pollution was. 直到整条河里漂满了酸雨导致的死鱼,村民们才意识到污染有多严重 6.The local officials admitted that ________________ the whole city to take specific action to control the quantity of the private vehicles so as to relieve the traffic burden during the rush hours. 当地官员承认是时候全市采取行动控制私车数量,以缓解高峰时期的交通压力。 7.He hurried to the railway station out of breath,________________ that the train leaving for Shanghai had been away for half an hour. 他上气不接下气赶到火车站,不料却被告知开往上海的火车已经离 8.While the class teacher ________________ the importance of doing homework independently,his students still spent most of the time copying others homework. 班主任强调了独立完成作业的重要性,但学生们仍然抄作业。 9.After a thorough inspection,the repairman gave me a disappointing report that the reason why my car ________________ was that the pipe had been damaged because of the freezing weather. 在彻底检查后,修理工给了我一份失望的报告,说车子坏了的原因 10.________________ to help us handle this tough problem in your spare time because it is very difficult for us to think of a means as effective as yours. 你能在业余时间帮助我们解决这个棘手的问题真是太好了,因 Ⅱ.单词拼写 1.His difficulties in his work issue from his ________(缺少) of experience. 2.He always



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