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2016山东高考英语二轮:阅读理解训练(4)及答案 阅读理解, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。 A chance to meet the Inuit people of Nunavut in Canada. While staying with the Inuit people you will have the chance to ride on a dog sled and canoe in a seal skin kayak. If you do not eat meat, this tour is not for you as the Inuit eat mainly animals,birds and fish. This means they need to move around to gather food. You will join them when they are furthest south in the Arctic Circle. You will stay in igloos (houses made from snow) or tents and wear clothes made from animal skins The Inuit usually live in small family groups but have large summer gatherings for feasts and celebrations where they swap stories. You will have the chance to join in with one of these large gatherings. You will have the opportunity to take part in the drumming and dancing,and listen to traditional accounts of bravery as well as play games! While dancing you may even be asked to wear a special animal dance mask which is usually carved from wood. The Inuit believe in animal spirits. Their jewellery is made from owl claws,wolf bones and bird skulls and you will get the chance to make some of these unusual pieces of jewellery. 1.While staying with the Inuit people you will have the chance to ________. A. ride on a dog sled and canoe in a seal skin kayakB. take part in the drumming and dancing C. listen to traditional accounts of bravery as well as play games D. All of the above 答案:D 细节理解题。由第一段第二句可知A项正确;由第三段第三句可知B、C两项正确。 2.Why do the Inuit need to move around? A. Because their living place is very cold in winter B. Because they need to hunt animals, birds and fish for food C. Because they need to grow vegetables in summer D. Because there is a lot of wind in winter 答案:B 细节理解题。由第二段前两句可知,因纽特人的主要食物是动物、鸟和鱼,他们要不断迁徙以猎取食物。 3.In summer,the Inuit gather for ________. A. hunting B. selling and exchanging things C. feasts and celebrations D. weddings 答案:C 细节理解题。由第三段第一句可知答案。 4.Why is the Inuits jewellery made from animals bones? A.Becau


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