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Unit 4 Global warming ---- Does it matter Warming up What kinds of energy do you know ? Where does all this energy come from ? What can we use energy for? A greenhouse is made of glass and is used for growing plants, especially during cold weather. How does it work? The air inside is warm because the glass traps the heat from the sun and keeps it from escaping. This makes the greenhouse heat up and so the plants can grow throughout the cold period. What are the “greenhouse gases”? In the atmosphere surrounding the earth there are gases, which are called “greenhouse gases”, including carbon dioxide, methane (甲烷, 沼气) and water vapor. What do you think greenhouse gases do? They trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth. 课前准备 请拿出你的 导学案、课本、双色笔 激情第一! 1.People accept Charles Keeling’ s data because he took accurate measurements. ( ) 2.Flooding could be one of the effects of future global warming. ( ) 3.George Hambley believes scientists are just guessing about the effects of global warming. ( ) 4.George Hambley is worried about the effects of carbon dioxide on plant growth. ( ) 5.It is clear what the effects of global warming will be. ( ) Task Ⅱ: Scan the text and find the useful phrases and difficult sentences. TaskⅣ : Read the text and pay attention to the difficult sentences, then try to translate them. * * Wind energy is used as power to produce electricity . Windmills风车 where electricity is produced by burning coals. The coal power stations in which oil is refined and made pure. The Oil Refineries a facility designed to convert nuclear energy into electricity. A nuclear power plant on the roof of a house on a bright sunny day are used to collect solar energy, making your house warm or heating your water. Solar panels are used to keep back water and raise its level for irrigation or for producing electricity, etc. The Hydro-electric dams What is the greenhouse made and used for? Pre---reading



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