chapter-1(软件工 双语)chapter-1(软件工程 双语)chapter-1(软件工程 双语)chapter-1(软件工程 双语).ppt

chapter-1(软件工 双语)chapter-1(软件工程 双语)chapter-1(软件工程 双语)chapter-1(软件工程 双语).ppt

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Chapter 1 Why Software Engineering? Learning objectives Define what is meant by software engineering and describe the differences between computer science and software engineering. Understand the track record of software engineering. Identify the characteristics of “good software”. Define what is meant by a systems approach to building software and understand why a systems approach is important. 1.1 WHAT IS SOFTWARE ENGINEERING? ①Solving Problems Analyzing, Synthesis A method or technique is a formal procedure for producing some result. A tool is an instrument (手段) or automated system for accomplishing something in a better way A procedure is like a recipe(处方) A paradigm (范例) is like a cooking style ②Where Does the Software Engineer Fit In? 1.1 WHAT IS SOFTWARE ENGINEERING? 1.2 HOW SUCCESSFUL HAVE WE BEEN? 1.3 WHAT IS GOOD SOFTWARE? Good software engineering must always include a strategy for producing quality software. Software quality include at least three ways: ①The Quality of the Product ②The Quality of the Process ③Quality in the Context of the Business Environment 1.4 WHO DOES SOFTWARE ENGINEERING? Team Programming Aspects: Book Page 15 Customer, User, Developer… Subcontractors, Turnkey system (整套承包系统 ,“交钥匙”系统)… 1.4 WHO DOES SOFTWARE ENGINEERING? 1.5 A SYSTEMS APPROACH ①The Elements of a System ◆Activities and objects ◆Relationships and the System Boundary ②Interrelated Systems Two different ways simultaneously(同时地): statically(静止[态]地) and dynamically(动态地). 1.6 AN ENGINEERING APPROACH ◆Building a House: ( Book page 21 to 23 ) ·determining and analyzing the requirements ·producing and documenting the overall design of the house ·producing detailed specifications of the house ·identifying and designing the components ·building each component of the house ·testing each component of the house ·integrating the components making final modifications after the residents have moved in ·c



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