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Noth2调控舌鳞癌干细胞的增殖、侵袭和迁移 葛臻琼1,闫恩利2,孙学蓉3,任雪梅2,肖 海4(六盘水市人民医院,1口腔科,3肿瘤科,贵州省六盘水市 553000;2郑州大学第二附属医院康复科,河南省郑州市 450000;4贵州医科大学天然药物资源优效利用重点实验室,贵州省贵阳市 550000) 引用本文:葛臻琼,闫恩利,孙学蓉,任雪梅,肖海. Noth2调控舌鳞癌干细胞的增殖、侵袭和迁移[J].中国组织工程研究,2016,20(45):6753-6759. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.2016.45.010 ORCID: 0000-0003-2450-7271(葛臻琼) 文章快速阅读: 文题释义: Notch2:Notch蛋白家族不但参与细胞的增殖、分化、凋亡及器官发育,且在肿瘤的发生和发展中发挥着重要的作用。Notch2已被报道与多种肿瘤的发生与发展相关,但是其作用较为复杂。有研究报道其作为癌基因,促进癌症的发生和发展。然而也有研究报道其在一些肿瘤中是低表达的,对癌症起抑制作用。 肿瘤干细胞:是肿瘤细胞内存在的一小部分具有干细胞特性的细胞,拥有无限增殖、自我更新和多系分化的能力。这些细胞可能能够驱动肿瘤的生长、传播和转移。治疗后残余的“肿瘤干细胞”因为放疗抗性及化疗耐药性等而难以被杀死,最终可能导致肿瘤复发。 Notch2在舌鳞癌干细胞ALDHbr)的表达量Notch2 regulates proliferation, invasion and migration of tongue squamous cell carcinoma stem cells Ge Zhen-qiong1, Yan En-li2, Sun Xue-rong3, Ren Xue-mei2, Xiao Hai4 (1Department of Stomatology, 3Department of Oncology, People’s Hospital of Liu Pan Shui, Liupanshui 553000, Guizhou Province, China; 2Department of Rehabilitation, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450000, Henan Province, China; 4Key Laboratory of Natural Resources and Utilization of Natural Resources of Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang 550000, Guizhou Province, China) Abstract BACKGROUND: Previous studies have found that the expression of Notch2 is up-regulated in tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC) stem cells, but the effect of Notch2 on TSCC remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: To explore the effect of Notch2 on the proliferation, invasion and migration of TSCC stem cells (ALDHbr). METHODS: ALDHbr cells were enriched and separated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting technique from Tca8113 cells cultured in using serum-free medium, and Notch2 expression in ordinary TSCC cells (ALDHlow) and ALDHbr cells was detected by western blot. The ALDHbr cells transfected with Notch2 shRNA (sh-Notch2) by liposome served as experimental group, and ALDHbr cells transfected with sh-control were as control group. The effects of Notch2 on the proliferat


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