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2 0 0 8 12 39 12 * 徐立章 李耀明 李洪昌 , 80 mm : : S225 4 , , , : 12 mm :A 28 m/ s : Analysis on Factors Affecting Performance of Rice Kernel Damage during Threshing Xu L izhang Li Yaom ing L i H ongchang ( Jiangsu Univer si ty , Zhenji ang 212013, Chi na) Abstract Rice kernel damage may become w orse during threshing , w hile performance indexes of threshing unit such as un- t hreshed loss rate, pow er consumed, et al. w ere most f ocused on. Broken rate of threshing and st and damage index increment w ere used to validat e damage degree. On the sel-f designed t est equipment of t he t hreshing separat ion perf orm ance, ex periments w ere conduct ed for rice w it h dif ferent f act ors such as cy linder- concave clearance, linear velocity of spike toot h, feed rat e and dist ance of spike t oot h. Wit h t he ort hogonal experiments, t he analysis of variance and analysis of range w ere carried out and t he f act ors t hat af fecting rice dam age during t hreshing w ere found, they were in turn of linear velocity of spike t ooth, cylinder- concave clearance, dist ance of spike tooth. Wit h t he met hod of synthet ic analysis, the optimizat ion paramet ers w ere obt ained. Key words Rice, T hreshing , Damag e, Factors [ 1] , [ 2~ 7] , : 2007-09-18 *( , , : 1 , , ( : NZ200706) , 212013 , 56 Wp Zpt = Wx 100% - Zp Wp Wx Zp , % [ 8] Ds( Ds t Ds D s= D st - D s 100 D st ) = max{ D out , D in} j= 1 D in= n li i= 0 L i (n 3) 5 ( n 3) li Li n D out= 5+ 5 SC S 15 ( ( SC S ) ) 2 00 8 Tu= Wu W 100% Wu ( 6) ( 1) W Wj ( 2) 2 ( 3) 21 Wj T j = W 100% ( 7) 1 ( 4) , , , , , , , : 1 590 mm, ( 5) , 6, 290 mm, 14 m m; 220 , 12 mm; 305 mm , 16 m m, 6 ( ) 55 ( 1 ) , 65 ( 4 ) , 70 ( 1 ) ; 480 mm ; 300 mm ; 190 r/ min; 550 r/ min; 1 m/ s 1. 22 1 Fig. 1 T est equipment of transporting, t hreshing and separating unit 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. , 1 , , , , , 12 : , , ,3 57 , 1 Tab. 1 Rape characteristics in experiment / mm /% 13 752 25. 0 /% /g 49. 0 1. 86 34. 84 3 31 24 m/ s, 2 5 kg/ s,



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