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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 杨周翰 弥尔顿的天才表现在善于描写宏伟寥廓,不善于描写细节,这和他目力不佳有关。 弥尔顿的描写不具体,形象不鲜明……正是弥尔顿的长处,也是他意趣所在 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 读《拉奥孔》 钱钟书 文字艺术不但能制造颜色的矛盾,还能调和黑暗和光明的真矛盾,创辟新奇的景象。例如《金楼子》第二篇《箴戒》“两日并出,黑光遍天”,冯明期《滹沱秋兴》“倒卷黑云遮古林,平沙落日光如漆”……莱辛称赞弥尔顿《乐园的丧失》里有“诗歌的画”,在《拉奥孔》草稿中列举该诗章句为例,都是描述继续进展的动作的,“物质的画”画不出来。不过,弥尔顿有些形容状态的词句,也同样无法画入“物质的画”,拉辛似乎忽视了。 例如地狱里的阴火“没有亮光,只是可以照见事物的黑暗”,又魔鬼向天堂开炮,射出一道“黑火”(black fire)。本身黑暗的光明或本身光明的黑暗,造型艺术很难表达。中国诗里的“黑日”也曾出现在雨果的诗里:“一个可怕的黑太阳耀射出昏夜”……一位大画家确曾企图把黑太阳画出来;尽管度勒的名作《忧郁》里那枚黑太阳也博得雨果的叹赏,我们终觉得不如他自己的诗句惊心动魄。竟可以大胆说,我们要不是事先心中有数,还看不出度勒所画的是黑太阳呢。 Antithesis: A rhetorical device in which irreconcilable opposites or strongly contrasting ideas are placed in sharp juxtaposition and sustained tension, as in the phrase “they promised freedom and provided slavery.” ?Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address”: The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. Paradox: An apparently self-contradictory statement, the underlying meaning of which is revealed only by careful scrutiny. The purpose of a paradox is to arrest attention and provoke fresh thought. The statement “less is more” is an example. In George Orwell’s anti-Utopian satire Animal Farm (1945), the first commandment of the animals’ commune is revised into a witty paradox: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Oxymoron When a paradox is compressed into words, as in “loud silence”, “lonely crowd”, or “living death”, it is called an Oxymoron. Lines 65-74 Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace And rest can never dwell, hope never comes ? That comes to all, but torture without end ? Still urges, and a fiery deluge, fed ? With ever-burning sulphur unconsumd. Such place Eternal Justice had prepard For those rebellious; here their prison ordaind In utter darkness, and their portion set,


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