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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福写作主题中心句常用句型 摘要: 托福写作过程中我们尤其要注意主题中心句的体现,这一点尤其重要,不少老外读中国学生的英语作文,一篇文章都快要读完了,却还不知道作者要表明的观点,这类文章一般都会被阅卷老师pass掉,本文托福写作主题中心句常用句型,来为大家具体介绍下,如何才能在托福写作中重点体现我们的主题句,或的阅卷老师的青睐。 托福 写作主题中心句常用句型1-10 1) From sth./what one has done, he can derive profits (will well deserve punishments) as follows. 例句:From his great inventions in many fields, man has well deserved punishments as follows. 2) Sth., if made the best/the worst of, will bring some distinct advantages/disadvantages to our social development/ones growth. 例句:Television, if made the best of, will bring some advantages to our society. Technology, if made the worst of, will definitely bring some disadvantages to our social development. 3) Sth. is expected to do a lot of benefit/threat/harm to sb./sth. else. 例句:Cloning, as a new-born thing, is expected to do a lot of benefit to the human progress. 4) (Doing) sth. will enrich/endanger/influence ones life in more than one aspect. 例句:Having ones head in the clouds sometimes can enrich a good teachers teaching in more than one aspect. 5) Some good/bad/unexpected effects come of what we have done/sth. done in... 例句:Some good effects will certainly come of the efforts we have made in birth control. 6) There are several reasons/causes/factors for the changes/increase/decline/growth in...(First,...Second...) 例句: There are probably a variety of reasons for the drastic changes in peoples moral concepts. 7) The reasons/causes/factors for sth. are complex/varied/profound. (Some attribute it...Others put it down to...Still others owe it to...) 例句:The causes for the prevalence of living together are varied and complex. 8) The success/failure/change/increase/decline(in sth.) mainly/largely stems/derives/ results from the factors as follows.(One lies in...Another is found in...Still another consists in...) 例句:The rise in Chinas economy mainly derives from a number of factors/the factors as follows. 9) Why has/did/is...? (For one thing/...For another...Perhaps the


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