
种族歧视? 美国民众纵火抗议弗格森案.ppt

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种族歧视? 美国民众纵火抗议弗格森案

种族歧视? 美国民众纵火抗议弗格森案 The morning after a St. Louis County grand jury decided not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, the country awoke Tuesday to learn that about two dozen buildings had burned in Ferguson, Mo., during a chaotic night. 周一,圣路易斯县陪审团决定不对迈克尔·布朗枪击案中的开枪警官达伦·威尔森提出指控。第二天早晨,刚刚经历一个混乱之夜的密歇里州弗格森镇在24栋楼被烧的火光中醒来。 The shooting of Brown, who was black and unarmed, by a white police officer on Aug. 9 led to days of protests. Browns death has raised once again old questions about the relationship between law enforcement and the black community in urban and suburban communities, revealing just how differently whites and blacks see life in the United States. 布朗枪击案发生于8月9号,这位未携带任何武器的黑人青年被一位白人警官射杀,导致了至今一系列的抗议活动。布朗的死又唤起了老生常谈的这个话题:法律实施和城乡黑人团体之间的关系。并暴露了美国对待白人和黑人生命轻贱有多么不同。 Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon (D) declared a state of emergency in Ferguson several days ago, as businesses, schools and residents braced for potentially violent protests, like those that followed the shooting. 密苏里州州长杰伊·尼克松宣称,几天前因为枪击案的发生,商家、学校和居民都为暴力抗议做好了准备,政府即出台了一系列弗格森的紧急应对措施。 Some of the questions that Browns death has raised simply dont have answers, but here are a few things you might be wondering if youre just getting caught up on whats happening in Ferguson. 布朗之死暴露了一些未被解答的问题,这里就有一些你也许想知道的,对于弗格森到底发生了什么的疑问的解答。 What did the grand jury decide? 陪审团下了什么结论? After reviewing the evidence, the grand jury determined that no probable cause exists to file any charge against Officer Wilson,” prosecuting attorney Robert P. McCulloch said. “They are the only people who have heard and examined every witness and every piece of evidence.” 在审查了证据之后,陪审团“决定对威尔森警官不会提出正式处罚”,检察官代理人罗伯特·P·麦克洛克说道,“他们是唯一听了和审查了每一个目击者和每一份证据的人。” The grand jury — composed of 12 ordinary citizens, three of whom are black — had been reviewing conflicting information from several witnesses and three autopsy reports. 陪审团由12名普通市民组成,其中3人是黑人——他们重新审查了一些目击证人中有冲突的信息和三份验尸报告。Although there was no question that Wilson killed Brow


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