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鉴于利拉鲁肽在以上各个方面的综合作用, 2012年的2012ADA/EASD共识共同推荐,把GLP-1受体激动剂从原本的三线药物,提高为二线药物,对于一个仅仅上市一年的药物而言,这是尤为难得的。在这里,我们再一次看到,GLP-1受体激动剂药物可以高效的降低HbA1c,降低体重,且低血糖风险低。胃肠道反应呈一过性,多为轻中度,临床证明患者耐受良好。 * The LEAD programme: percentage of patients reaching ADA targets when adding liraglutide Estimated means are obtained from an ANCOVA with treatment, country and previous treatment as fixed effects and baseline value as a covariate; Estimated mean±1.96 x SE; Table 14.2.13. * 荟萃分析结果显示,在使患者血糖达标的同时,利拉鲁肽低血糖的发生非常少。 This was a meta-analysis of data from 3967 subjects with type 2 diabetes who took part in the LEAD-1–6 series of randomised phase 3 clinical trials. Hypoglycaemic episodes were recorded in the subject’s diary, and were classified as major if the subject was not able to treat him/herself, and minor if plasma glucose values were 3.1 mmol/L (56 mg/dL), even if not accompanied by any symptoms. Rates of hypoglycaemic events were examined as a function of HbA1c values at week 26 using individual patient data. All randomised subjects from each study who were exposed to at least one dose of trial product(s) in each LEAD trial constituted the ITT analysis set (n=3967), excluding subjects exposed to the liraglutide 0.6 mg randomised arms in LEAD-1 and -2, and data beyond the first 6 months in LEAD-3. Glimepiride data were taken from these treatment groups in the LEAD-2 and -3 trials. * * * Liraglutide consistently reduces blood pressure Liraglutide reduced SBP across the LEAD studies. Tight blood pressure control reduces cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality.1,2 A reduction of 5.6 mmHg has been shown to reduce death from cardiovascular disease by 18%.3 References 1. UKPDS 38. BMJ 1998;317:703–13. 2. Hansson et al. Lancet 1998;351:1755–62. 3. Patel et al. Lancet 2007;370:829–40. * * The LEAD programme: reduction in HbA1c when adding liraglutide Estimated means are obtained from an ANCOVA with treatment, country and previous treatment as fixed effects and baseline value as a covaria


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