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中国年度 生产法和收入法GDP核算 China’s Annual GDP Account by Production and Income Approaches 张冬佑 国家统计局 国民经济核算司 2010年3月16日 Zhang Dongyou Department of National Account, NBS 16th March, 2010 主要内容 Main Contents 一、产业部门分类 Classification of Industrial Sectors 二、资料来源 Data Source 三、行业增加值核算的具体推算方法 Specific Estimation Method of Industrial Value-added 四、近期所做的主要改进 major improvements to be made 五、面临的挑战 Challenges 一、产业部门分类 Classification of industrial sectors 第一级分类直接采用国家统计局2003年制定的《三次产业划分规定》,但在第三产业中剔除国际组织部分。 The first level classification directly applies the “Regulation on Classification of Three Sectors ”promulgated by NBS in 2003, but eliminating the international part in the third sector. 第二级分类基本上采用新国民经济行业分类中的门类。 The second level classification basically applies the class categories in the new Classification of National Economic Industries. 产业部门分类 Classification of industrial sectors 第三级分类基本上采用新国民经济行业分类中的大类,房地产业分到中类行业,并增加了居民自有住房服务业。 The third level classification basically applies the section in the new Classification of National Economic Industries, putting real estate sector in group sectors and adding resident self-owned housing service. 第四级分类和第三级分类基本一致,同时根据多年来GDP核算数据的实际需求情况,并参照其他国家的分类情况,对采矿业、制造业、电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业进行了细化 The fourth level classification and third level classification are basically consistent, and at the same time, specifying the mining, manufacturing, and the production and supply of electricity, gas and water by referring to the classification practice of other countries. 一、产业部门分类(续) Classification of industrial sectors (cont.) 年度GDP核算,按94个行业。 Annual GDP account, by 94 sectors. 季度GDP核算,按14个行业。 Quarterly GDP account, by 14 sectors. 二、资料来源 Data source 国家统计调查数据:普查数据,全面调查数据,抽样调查数据; National statistical survey data: census data, comprehensive survey data, sample survey data; 部门财务数据:主要指2008年建立的18个部门服务业财务状况报表; Financial data of administrative department: mai


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