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2014年大连市高三第一次模拟考试 英语能力测试参考答案 听力部分(1.5×20=30分) 1 ~ 5 ACBBA 6 ~10 BBCAC 11~15 BCACB 16~20 CABAA 阅读理解(2×20=40)21~24 DBBC 25~28 CBAA 29~31 DCA 32~35 ADBC 36~40 EBFGC 完形填空(1.5×20=30) 4145 BDCAB 46~50 DCABC 51~55 AADCB 56~60 ABDCD 语法填空(1.5×0=15分)短文改错(1×10=10)I am writing to talk about the canteen of our school. There are only a few stand in stands the canteen, leading to lots of students have to line up for food. It is ∧waste of time, having a isn’t it? But at times the food is not fresh and does not taste deliciously. So it’s not And delicious surprising that some students chose to go to the street to buy junk food which do harm choose does to their health. Would you think about that how to improve it? I would appreciate you it if you could take some measures. Hopefully, my opinion can be taken to account. into Jack 书面表达(25分) One possible version:Looking back to the National English Speaking Competition I took several days ago, I have a lot to share with you. For a start, I feel really delighted that I’ve won the first prize in the competition, which makes me understand the true meaning of the proverb “no pains, no gains”. Furthermore, in the five-day competition, I established a close friendship with students from all over our country, from whom I’ve learned a lot. More importantly, taking this competition has enabled me to overcome my fear of speaking in public, thus developing my self-confidence. Additionally, I owe many thanks to my tutor and the judges, without whose proper help, I couldn’t have done such an excellent job. To sum up, I will always


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