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Lesson 26: Keep the Candle Burning! NEW WORDS: holder n. 支托物;持有者 shallow adj. 浅的 lighter n. 打火机;点火器; oxygen n. 氧气 match n. 火柴;比赛; v. 相称;相配; examine v. 检查 sentences about words: examination n.考试;检查;查问 所有的椅子都相配。 All the chairs matched. 他正在看一场英式足球比赛。 He was watching a football match. 一个医生对她仔细地进行了检查。 A doctor examined her carefully. 期末考试在一学期当中非常重要。 The final examination is very important in a term. examine v. 检查 match n. 火柴;比赛; v. 相称;相配; phrases : 1.Keep the candle burning! 让蜡烛燃烧! keep…burning使……燃烧。keep sth. (sb.) doing, 使某物(某人)保持做某一动作。 不要再让我等你了。 Don’t keep me waiting for you . 她让我一直用手握住瓶子。 She kept me holding the jar with my hand. 2. use up run out of 用光;用完 我们的煤用光了,只好烧柴。 we ran out of coal,and had to burn wood. 3.be made up of 由......组成 我们班由男生和女生组成。 Our class is made up of girls and boys. be made of 由.......制成 桌子是由木头制成的。 The desks are made of wood. 我用我所有的钱买了一台电脑。 I used up all my money to buy a computer. 二分之一 三分之一 四分之一 四分之三 五分之二 十分之九 a/one half (one second) one - third three - fourths three quarters one quarter two - fifths nine - tenths 口 诀: 分子基,分母序。分子﹥1 ,分母加 s 4.one fifth 五分之一 Exercises1: 1.The doctor_____________(检查)him and found nothing wrong. 2.The old man used a_________(火柴)to make the paper burn. 3.The _______(蜡烛)was blown out by the wind. 4.The careless waiter dropped the ___________(盘子)onto the ground. 5.The apples__________(装满)the basket. examined match candle plate/dish filled Exercises2: 1.Dont (use up /push up)all of the ink.leave some for me. 2.The medical team (is made of /is made up of)five experienced doctors. 3.Please fill the hole (with / in)sand and water . 4. They didnt realize their mistake(until / as)we told them. 5.My brother wasnt (strong enough/enough strong)to lift the box. Think about it Do you think science is interesting? Why or why not? What will happen if you put a ja


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