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EST Translation Chapter 7 Part I Translation 1 Silver is the best conductor of heat and electricity known and next to gold in malleability and ductility. 银是已知的最好的导电体和导热体,并且其延性和展性仅次于金。 2 With all the help from the machines, farming still requires hard work and long hours. 尽管有了各种机械,干农活还是很累,耗时也很长。 3 The objective of WHO is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. 世界卫生组织的目标是经过各族人民的共同努力达到尽可能高的健康水平。 4 In a generator mechanical power is put in and electrical power is taken out, instead of electrical power going in and mechanical power coming out as in a motor. 发电机是输入机械能,输出电能;而电动机是输入电能,输出机械能。 5 随着机器缓慢升温,绝缘电阻通常会降低。 With the machine warmed up slowly, the insulation resistance will normally be lower. 分句译法-Division 翻译句子时,把某个词,短语或从句单译成一句,把原文一个句子译成两个以上的句子。 1 原文某个单词在译文中难以放在原句中,需另译一句 But burning too much glucose can dangerously reduce the amount of glucose in the blood. 可是,消耗过多的葡萄糖会减少血液中葡萄糖的含量,这是很危险的。 The inside of each tent dependent on the personality of its occupants. 每个帐篷的内部怎样布置,这取决于帐篷主人的性格。 Recently very fuzzy pictures of heavy atoms have been made with the use of a specially electron microscope. 最近,使用专门设计的电子显微镜,已经拍摄出了重原子照片,但图像非常模糊。 2 原文短语过长或过为松散,在译文中需拆开译成一个句子 This kind of wood is so heavy as to sink in water. 这种木头很重,在水里会沉。 The propeller of an airplane forces air backward, developing thrust. 飞机的螺旋桨迫使空气向后移动,于是就产生了推力。 Care shall be taken at all times to protect the instrument from dust and damp. 应经常注意保护仪器,勿使沾染尘土,勿使受潮。 Confined in a rigid container, gas will expand at high temperature. 气体即使封闭在刚性容器中,在高温下也会膨胀。 3 原文句法结构或语义逻辑在译文中无法通过一个单句正确通顺表达 The increase in pressure with depth makes it difficult for a man go very deep far below the water surface. 压力随着深度而增加,这使人类进入深水很困难。 It is not surprising that, when humidity is low, the water evaporates rapidly from the fruit. 在大气湿度低的情况下,水果里的水分蒸发就快,这是不足为奇的。 Pure copper wires have very low resistances, which is why they are so much used in electric circuits. 纯铜线具有很低的电阻,这就是在电路中大量使用他们的原因。 I 连词的一般译法 1 直译 2 转译 3 省译 B


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