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Graduation Project (II): Service Learning and Internship Teachers: Yun-pi Yuan and Doris Shih Objectives 1 Course Description 2 課程實施要點 3 100-2學期課程實施內容 3 A. 國泰國小服務學習Service Learning at Guo-Tai Elementary School 4 Ways of Improving English Teaching 4 Requirement: 4 B. 業界實習internship 5 Requirements: 5 Last updated 2011/2/2 Objectives In this course, you enter the workplaces of elementary school teaching or industry as interns or service learners in order to understand what these works involve and how they are related to your life goals and career potentials; utilize the English abilities and professional knowledge acquired at school, while developing through service learning or internship professionalism and the professional skills of interpersonal communication, problem-solving and adapting to new environment, and Assist the English department to develop modes of integrating service learning and internship in courses in order to improve the English department’s social engagement. 投入教學或產業現場服務,以了解其現況,並積極準備個人就業、進行生涯規劃; 運用課堂學習之英語能力與專業知識於實務,並透過教學或產業實習發展專業/敬業精神;增進人際溝通、解決問題、適應新環境等專業技能; 協助英文系發展服務學習與實習課程模式,以促進英文系之社會參與性 Course Description 「畢業專題II:服務學習與專業實習」 教學目標說明 (1) 投入教學或產業現場服務,以了解其現況,並積極準備個人就業、進行生涯規劃:Entering the workplaces of elementary school teaching or industry as interns or service learners in order to understand what these works involve and actively develop life goals and career potentials; 「畢業專題II」課程不僅有助於同學學習並應用專業知識,而且使同學透過實習或服務學習預先接觸畢業後自己即將或可能面對的職場環境。希望學生可以藉由投入社會實務中,逐漸為自己定位,日後在社會上發揮最大的貢獻。 因此,本課程 教師:不在課室內授課,而在一旁協助、支持並監督同學自主學習,並加入線上討論,提供英語專業建議(非英語相關之職場專業知識則由同學自行學習)。必要時,教師也可以協助解決同學在工作場所碰到的問題。 同學:應秉持高度的學習意願及自我負責的態度,把握此一機會學習如何建立良好的人際關係及溝通模式。遵守服務和實習單位之相關規定及要求(例如:守時、合群)更是最基本應具備之要件。 (2) 運用課堂學習之英語能力與專業知識於實務,並透過教學或產業實習發展專業/敬業精神;增進人際溝通、解決問題、適應新環境等專業技能: Utilizing the English abilities and professional knowledge acquired at school, while developing through service learning or internship professionalism and the professional skills of interpersonal communic


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