哈工程轮机英语--lesson 9概要.ppt

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哈工程轮机英语--lesson 9概要

LESSON 9 TEXT STARTING SYSTEM 第9课 起动系统 Prof. Song Zhou New Words and Expressions in Text reservoir 容器(文中指空气瓶) ready 准备好的 immediate 立即的 drop 下跌,下落 by means of 利用,用…方法 compressor 压缩机 feature 功(能),部件 drainage 排放,排泄 facility 设备 stringent 严厉的,严格的 interlock 连锁 prevent 防止 automatic 自动的 pilot 引导的,控制的,先导的 lever 杆 direct 直接的 engage 啮合,从事 further 进一步地 deposit 沉积物,沉淀 explosion 爆炸 pipeline 管路,管系 occurrence 发生,事物 properly 适当地 careful 谨慎的,小心的 attempt 企图;试图 effect 作用,影响,效果 trap 挡板,收集器 burst 爆发,冲破 disc 盘 isolate 隔绝,绝缘 fusible 易熔的 plug 塞,堵 melt 熔化,融化 guard 防护,防卫,护罩 possibility 可能性 bursting cap 防爆帽 Diesel engines are started by supplying compressed air into the cylinders in the appropriate sequence for the required direction. A supply of compressed air is stored in air reservoirs or bottles or receivers at pressures about 30 or 40 bar ready for immediate use. Some times compressed air pressure is dropped to a lower value by means of a reducing valve(减压阀) for other uses. The receivers are charged by compressors. The design of starting air systems, including the number and capacity of compressors and receivers, the provision (规定)of features and drainage facilities are the subjec


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