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ppt宝藏__提供下载 学习对象: 1:话题作文首段 学习目标: 1:句型 2:写作方法和技能 依葫芦画瓢 依葫芦画瓢例句 1 From Really 1. 首段 (1)引入现象表达法 ① With the rapid development of our economy and society , =As our economy and society rapidly devlop, 随着……的发展,例如: 依葫芦画瓢 (1)引入现象表达法 练习㈡:随着数码时代的到来,越来越多的孩子用上了先进的电子产品,方便了学习和充电。 练习㈠:随着科学和文化的发展,中国家庭周末娱乐休闲 的方式进入了多元化时代。 ㈠ With the development of science and civilization, Chinese family entertaining means at their weekends has come to a multifaceted age. (二)As the digital age approaches, more and more students start to use advanced electronic products, helping their learning and charging. 依葫芦画瓢例句 2 ② In recent days, more and more women enter into the society and play an important part in the development of the business. As a result, the change of ladys social status has becoming a heated topic and catching lots of attentions from us. 依葫芦画瓢 练习㈠:近来,越来越多的大学生追逐名牌奢饰品例如手表, 包包,化妆品和装饰品等。因此,大学中,奢饰品的泛滥已 经成为了生活中的一个热点话题,而且也抓住了越来越多人 的眼球。(brand luxuries-名牌奢饰品) ㈠ In current days, more and more college students seek for various brand luxuries, such as watches, bags, cosmetics and other accessories. As a result, the popularity of the luxuries has become a hot topic in our daily life. In addition, it has caught more and more eyeballs. 依葫芦画瓢 练习㈡:近来,越来越多的房产销售员在搞楼市推销活动。 这自然让我们想起中国严峻的住房问题。因此,房价已经 成为我们生活中不可替代的热点话题,而且也抓住了越来 越多人的眼球。(launch the housing promotion campaign -楼市推销活动) ㈡ In recent years, more and more sales staff are launching the housing promotion campaign. It naturally reminds us of the serious housing problems in China. As a result, house prices have become an irreplaceable hot topic in our life and caught much more attentions from us. 1. 首段 (2)客观观点陈述表达法 ①With regard to the problem of the massive usage of internet medias in making friends, peoples ideas vary from person to person.Some people agree with this,and they believe it meets the demand of the society . At the same time, others disapprove of it becasue,in their opinion, they argue it might be dangerous. 依葫芦画瓢例句 3 练习㈠:关于大量使用的先进的数码产品这


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