The Colonist Resist Tighter Control Weebly殖民者抵制更严格的控制 Weebly.pptVIP

The Colonist Resist Tighter Control Weebly殖民者抵制更严格的控制 Weebly.ppt

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The Colonist Resist Tighter Control Weebly殖民者抵制更严格的控制 Weebly

The Colonist Resist Tighter Control Conflict with Native Americans By 1763, England controlled almost all of North America, this led to many conflicts between English settlers and Natives past the Appalachian Mountains In the last year of the war with France, Ottawa’s main chief – Pontiac, formed an alliance of all western Natives and attacked English forts in what is called Michigan in today’s world The Proclamation of 1763 was an attempt to end hostilities with Natives by forbidding English settlers to move west of the Appalachian Mountains, it also called for those settler’s already there to move back east, The Proclamation angered most American Colonists and led to a growing anger with the English king parliament British Rule Leads to Conflict The American Colonist were very proud of their contribution to the French Indian War and expected England to be grateful for their help, the King of England responded by raising taxes on Americans for the cost of helping during the war Ties between America and England had been slowly growing apart, by 1763 most colonists did not refer to themselves as British any more England defended the new taxes as a way to help England out of debt from the war, sensing a new tension British soldiers called “Redcoats” were left in the American Colonies after the war, neither side wanted trouble but Parliament insisted that the colonies pay for the war “The Acts” The Sugar Act was passed in 1764 and created money through taxing a variety of goods but mostly molasses, it also called for harsh punishment of any colonist who smuggled sugar or refused to pay their taxes on sugar The Quartering Act was passed a year later by Parliament to save money on housing and feeding Redcoats deployed to America, Colonists would be required to allow Redcoats to sleep in their house and to feed them all meals The Stamp Act was passed by Parliament in 1765 and required that all colonists buy special tax stamps for all paper products, protests were wi


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