The Globally Harmonised System for Hazard 全球协调系统的危害.pptVIP

The Globally Harmonised System for Hazard 全球协调系统的危害.ppt

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The Globally Harmonised System for Hazard 全球协调系统的危害

Jennifer Silk UN S/C on GHS (December 2001) Safety and Emergency Management of Petrochemical Port Waterborne Transportation Institute , The Ministry of Transport, PRC. 2012.07 Beijing Content Current situation Risks of accident Measures for safety and emergency management Conclusion and suggestion crude oil wharf exceed 300,000 tons in Dalian 2)Dangerous cargo wharf More than 400 liquid chemical wharf exceed tens of thousands tons along coast. Large wharf exceed 300,000 tons, while small ones reach only a few hundred– tons. Ningbo Chinhae chemical industry region 3) Repository area Extensive distribution and large numbers of liquid chemical tanks The largest crude oil tanks is 250,000 m3, with total millions m3 tank areas. 4) Category of goods Hundreds of dangerous goods transported by ships, mainly: ?Crude oil, refined oil, gas, etc. Benzene, styrene, methanol, caustic soda, acetic acid, aniline and other liquid chemicals ?Other solid bulk chemicals 5)Handling capacity The handling capacity of dangerous goods in ports reached 748 million tons by 2011 Including more than 200 million tons crude oil 2. Risks of Accident 1) Risks of accidents in waterborne transportation arises with the development of dangerous goods tank construction ?increasing volume of crude oil and other chemicals On July 18,2009,at Yueyang wharf, a chemical tanker equipped with 1080 tons cyclohexane (flammable, explosive, toxic substances )exploded when it worked. In 2007,a 100,000tons oil tanker collided with terminal 1 berth collapsed ?The ship damaged with six or seven-square-meter strap On July 16, 2010, a crude oil pipeline explosion broke out in Dalian Port Oil spill and fire disaster. ?Ecological disaster 2. Risks of Accident 2) Most dangerous goods are toxic and hazardous chemicals. The accident cause serious consequences: Large number of casualties and huge economic losses Ecological damage Seriously influence on the fish


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