The Five Themes of Geography U S History地理学的五大主题美国历史.pptVIP

The Five Themes of Geography U S History地理学的五大主题美国历史.ppt

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The Five Themes of Geography U S History地理学的五大主题美国历史

Question 3 Which of the following is not an example of region? The Great Lakes States The Soda-pop states The California state The New England states Question 4 Which of the following devices does not give you absolute location? Cell phone GPS Car Ipod Question 5 When they landed on American soil, European explorers, like Columbus, brought with them slaves, small-pox, and horses. This is known as the Columbian exchange and is an example of what? Place Interaction Movement Region Location Question 6 As you study this year you will need to think geographically. For practice, let us see how population trends throughout the history of the United States relate to the five themes of geography. When the United States won its independence in 1783, it was made up of 13 states located on the Atlantic coast (_________). The majority of the population lived along the coast or near rivers ( ________), where water transportation was easy (________). The Appalachian Mountains and other geographic features limited westward movement (_______). In 1790, the nation’s center of population was located in Maryland. Question 7 Which geographic theme would be most concerned with trade among nations? Place Interaction Movement Region Location Unscramble each of the clue words. Copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells with the same number. * * Hoover Dam – Considered one of the greatest engineering projects ever, the building of the Hoover Dam demonstrates the successful interaction between people and their environment. The presence of the dam makes it possible for people to live in an area that is largely desert. Surrounding farmland is irrigated, and there is a ready supply of water and electric power. Today, the Hoover Dam is a national historic landmark. * Good or Bad * The Five Themes of Geography By Mr. Worm In a tiny Native American fishing village, a small group gathered around a man who began to draw in the sand. They watched


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