The Great Gatsby Chapter One PCMAC了不起的盖茨比第一章pcmac.pptVIP

The Great Gatsby Chapter One PCMAC了不起的盖茨比第一章pcmac.ppt

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The Great Gatsby Chapter One PCMAC了不起的盖茨比第一章pcmac

The Great Gatsby Chapter One * * Q. How does Nick describe himself at the beginning of the book? A. He is tolerant and doesn’t make snap judgments about people. People therefore tend to confide in him. He is also restless, seeking something he cannot name. Q. How does Nick describe Tom Buchanan? A. Tom is aggressive, arrogant, pugnacious, and extremely wealthy. Q. Who is Jordan Baker? A. A friend of Daisy. Q. What does Nick find appealing about her? A. She is aloof and self-sufficient. Q. Describe the ambiguity in Nick’s initial descriptions of Gatsby. A. Nick says that Gatsby Represented “everything for which I have an unaffected scorn,” yet he also says that “There was something gorgeous about him,” and that he “turned out all right.” Q. How does the tone of Nick’s description of Tom reveal Nick’s feelings about Tom? A. He describes Tom’s manner as “supercilious,” his body as “cruel,” and his voice as gruff and husky, which “added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed.” These physical descriptions indicate the flaws Nick sees in Tom’s character. Q. How would you describe Daisy’s state of mind during dinner? A. Daisy seems flighty and upset. Q. What does she say and do that help reveal her inner conflicts? A. She confesses to Nick that she has become cynical and overly sophisticated and implies that she is deeply unsatisfied with her marriage. Q. Nick thinks that, given the state of their marriage, Daisy should leave Tom, but it is clear to him that she has no intention of doing so. What indication is there that Tom and Daisy are closely linked despite their marital difficulties? A. The most significant link between Tom and Daisy is implied after Daisy’s outburst to Nick when she smirks “as if she had asserted her membership in a rather distinguished secret society to which she and Tom belonged.” Q. What indications are there that the green light will have a powerful emotional significance to Gatsby? A. Gatsby’s gesture and his trembling help to high


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