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本科生毕业设计说明书 题 目:呼和浩特市安泰小区住宅楼采暖及防排烟设计 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业:建筑环境与设备工程 班 级: 指导教师: 呼和浩特市安泰小区住宅楼采暖及防排烟设计 摘 要 关键词:;; The design of heating and smoke controlling about a commercial building of Antai district in Hohht Abstract The project is about the design of heating, ventilation and smoke controlling about a commercial building in Hohht; The building of design consists of Residential buildings,subsurface layers,Underground construction 0f two floors and high-rise building of eighteen floors. The paper requirements designing a reasonable heating and smoke control system for building which according to civil engineering and other relevant information .At the same time , the paper design a district heating station which must rationalization . The project about heating requirements metering heat for the users. The Design of heating choices downfeed and direct return riser system which based in construction of the specific circumstances form. The house heating system using radiators doule pipe reverse-return system indoor. The purpose about distribution arrangements in the system are to simplify the system, saving pipe, buried underground to reduce, saving interior space and concent requirements from the users. The design of smoke control are main contenders of high-rise building. According to the 《criterion on the fireproofing in high-rise building for daily usage 》, It chooses positive pressure ventilation smoke controlling and natural discharge air sestem, set up a delivery outlet every two-tier in stair well and every one-tier in front floor. The blower is installed in the roof. Underground construction and the positive pressure ventilation use the same furnace through the window for the smoke controlling. Key words: heating; household heat metering; smoke controlling 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 设计概况及资料 1 1.1 设计题目 1 1.2 工程概况 1 1.3 设计的原始资料 1 1.3.1 气象参数 1 1.3.2 热源资料 2 1.3.3 土建资料 3 1.4 围护结构的热工性 5 1.4.1 围护结构传热系数的确定 5 1.4.2 校核围护结构最小传热热阻 7 1.5 小结 9 第二章 采暖热


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