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目 录 引 言 2 1我国恶劣天气条件下道路交通应急管理的现状 3 1.1我国对于恶劣天气条件下道路管理应急管理的概况 3 1.2我国对于恶劣天气条件下道路应急管理的缺陷与不足 3 2恶劣天气条件下我国道路交通应急管理的影响因素 5 2.1法律是恶劣天气下我国道路交通应急管理的依据 5 2.2信息是恶劣天气下我国道路交通应急管理的前提 5 2.3队伍是恶劣天气下我国道路交通应急管理的基础 6 2.4物资是恶劣天气下我国道路交通应急管理的重点 6 2.5决策是恶劣天气下我国道路交通应急管理的关键 6 3.境内外对于恶劣天气条件下道路管理应急管理的经验借鉴 8 3.1国外对于恶劣天气条件下道路管理应急管理的经验 8 3.2国内对于恶劣天气条件下道路管理应急管理的经验 8 4恶劣天气条件下我国道路交通应急管理的完善对策 8 4.1从法律完善我国道路交通在恶劣天气条件下的应急管理预警与预防 8 4.2从队伍动员上保障我国道路交通队恶劣天气条件下的应急管理准备 8 4.3从物资配送与准备上有效确保我国道路交通在恶劣天气条件下的应急管理救援与处置 9 4.4从决策和技术上恢复我国道路交通在恶劣天气条件下的应急管理后的状况 9 结 语 10 参考文献 10 致 谢 11 论恶劣天气条件下道路交通应急管理分析 摘要关键词Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of economy and society, the frequent use of a higher level of highway, security issues facing more and more bad weather for which road traffic road safety had an important influence, endangering the public life and property safety. How to ensure the safety of road traffic driving in inclement weather has become an issue of public concern. ????This paper will present situation under adverse weather conditions of traffic emergency management, the impact of factors under adverse weather conditions traffic emergency management for domestic and foreign Experiences inclement weather conditions traffic emergency management and how to improve the traffic conditions of inclement weather emergency management study four aspects. ????Inclement weather driving risk management and early warning classification is scientifically formulated emergency response plans, the implementation of emergency action, a reasonable allocation of resources on the basis of emergency. Research results of this paper hopes to strengthen the adverse weather conditions highway traffic safety administration to contribute. Key words: Inclement weather, road, traffic safety, emergency, security management 引言 恶劣天气主要有雨、雪、雾和暴风等天气,在这些恶劣天气发生时,道路上的驾驶员无论从心理层次还是个人视线上都会受到不同程度影响,同时路面可能附着力降低,使得机动车的制动、操作稳定性都不如正常天气情况,此时车辆就容易出现打滑、侧滑等现象,加之某些驾驶员不认真行驶或是不按照规定认真执行,这样就加大事故发生的概率,严重者可能造成二型交通事故。同时伴随着我国城市交通公路行


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