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The farthest-first traversal is a 2-approximation algorithm Claim 2: If C is the clustering reported by the farthest algorithm, then R(C)=Rk+1 Proof: For all i k we have that d(i, {1,2,…,k})≤ d(k+1,{1,2,…,k}) = Rk+1 The farthest-first traversal is a 2-approximation algorithm Theorem: If C is the clustering reported by the farthest algorithm, and C*is the optimal clustering, then then R(C)≤2xR(C*) Proof: Let C*1, C*2,…, C*k be the clusters of the optimal k-clustering. If these clusters contain points {1,…,k} then R(C)≤ 2R(C*) (triangle inequality) Otherwise suppose that one of these clusters contains two or more of the points in {1,…,k}. These points are at distance at least Rk from each other. Thus clusters must have radius ? Rk ≥ ? Rk+1= ? R(C) What is the right number of clusters? …or who sets the value of k? For n points to be clustered consider the case where k=n. What is the value of the error function What happens when k = 1? Since we want to minimize the error why don’t we select always k = n? Occam’s razor and the minimum description length principle Clustering provides a description of the data For a description to be good it has to be: Not too general Not too specific Penalize for every extra parameter that one has to pay Penalize the number of bits you need to describe the extra parameter So for a clustering C, extend the cost function as follows: NewCost(C) = Cost( C ) + |C| x logn * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Clustering Lecture outline Distance/Similarity between data objects Data objects as geometric data points Clustering problems and algorithms K-means K-median K-center What is clustering? A grouping of data objects such that the objects within a group are similar (or related) to one another and different from (or unrelated to) the objects in other groups Inter-cluster distances are maximized Intra-cluster distances are minimized Outliers Outliers are objects that do not belong to any cluster or form clusters of very small c



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