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INTERNATIONAL OCEAN INSTITUTE APPLICATION FORM 2017 TRAINING PROGRAMME ON OCEAN GOVERNANCE: POLICY, LAW AND MANAGEMENT Instructions 1. Carefully review the training section of IOI-Canada’s website (, particularly the Course Announcement and details of What to Expect. 2. Complete all sections of this form: Nomination (signed by nominator) page 2 Application Details (signed by candidate) pages 3–7 Medical Report (signed by doctor candidate) page 8 Please answer all questions, and type or write legibly in block capitals. If necessary, additional pages of the same size may be attached. 3. Submit the application to: Madeleine Coffen-Smout, Programme Officer, International Ocean Institute, Dalhousie University, 6414 Coburg Road, P.O. Box 15000, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4R2, Canada Tel: 1 902 494 6918; fax: 1 902 494 1334; e-mail: If sending a digital copy of the form, please keep the number and size of attachments to a reasonable level (e.g. avoid sending each page as a separate file!) 4. The deadline for receipt of applications is 1st January 2017 INTERNATIONAL OCEAN INSTITUTE NOMINATION FORM To be completed by a senior official of the nominating department or organisation This is to certify that (name of organisation) nominates (name of candidate) as an applicant for the IOI-Canada training programme on Ocean Governance: Policy, Law and Management from 24th May to 21st July, 2017 (subject to final confirmation) and that: all information supplied in the attached form is complete and correct; the nominee has adequate English skills, appropriately tested; the absence of the nominee from his/her workplace while attending the course would not have any adverse effect on his/her status, seniority, salary, pension or s


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