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学生就业管理系统设计与实现 摘 要 随着各高等院校的不断发展,每年面向全国大量的扩招导致各高校毕业生人数也在急剧的上升,而每年企业提供的工作岗位是有限的,因此毕业生就业面临着很大的压力,而且高校毕业生没有工作经验,而各大用人单位因为自身的一些情况很少招聘一些无工作经验的应届毕业生,加上每年都有大量的毕业生,面对如此大规模的就业管理工作,手工操作显然已经远远不能适应发展的需要,所以在这样的情况下,一个就业信息网站能为高校毕业生们提供一个很好的就业信息获知平台同时也能减轻各位教师的工作量,提高工作效率。通过这个网站,学院可以将大量可靠的就业信息提供给应届毕业生们。 本系统以ASP和ADO为主要应用技术,以IIS5.1作为Web服务器,以Access作为数据库。通过IIS服务器配置、后台数据库的建立与设置、前后台操作设计、程序的编写与调试四个步骤完成学生就业信息管理系统前台操作和后台管理的设计与开发。 该系统主要有三大功能: 第一:用户管理,分为用户分身份验证,登陆后进入相应的页面。 第二:就业信息发布,某一部分用户在进入系统后可以查看就业信息。 第三:系统管理,管理员可以对各用户进行管理以及对系统进行维护。 论文详细的介绍了系统开发的具体步骤以及应用的技术并配以截图的方式详尽说明,同时在文中对一些源程序作了详细的解释。 关键词:就业管理; ASP;ADO;IIS服务器;Access ABSTRACT With the continuous development of the various institutions of higher learning, the annual nationwide lots of enrollment cause the number of college graduates in the rapid rise in annual enterprise provides jobs is limited, so graduates face a lot of pressure, and college graduates do not have work experience, and major employer because some situation rarely recruitment some inexperienced graduates, plus every year a large number of graduates, in the face of such large-scale employment management, manual operation is obviously far less able to adapt to the needs of development, so in this case, a job information Web site for university graduates with a good employment information informed platform at the same time also reduces the workload of teachers , and improve productivity. Through this website, you can add a large number of reliable employment information available to graduating students. This system to ASP and ADO as the main application of technology, to IIS5.1 as the Web server to access as a database. Through the IIS server configuration, the background database for and setting, the former background operation design, coding and debugging the four steps to complete student employment information management system for the front desk operations, and back of the design and development. The system has three functions: First: user management, d


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