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氧化鋁/不鏽鋼真空硬銲研究 Study on vacuum brazing Al2O3 and SUS304 stainless steel 蘇程裕 1 盧進德 1 , * 莊謝宗揚1 許正勳2 張家華3 C.Y. Su C.D. Lu Z.Y. Jhuang Sie C.H. Hsu C.H. Chang 1台北科技大學製造科技研究所 2大同大學材料工程學系 3中山科學研究院化學研究所 *Email:t8568030@ntut.org.tw TEL:02ext. 2044 FAX:0210608 台北市忠孝東路3段1號台北科技大學 摘 要 本研究比較兩種不同填料合金(72Ag-28Cu、Ag-Cu-5Ti)對氧化鋁與304不鏽鋼硬銲接合特性的影響。實驗中採用氧化鋁陶瓷片(≥95% Al2O3)進行實驗,並嘗試利用物理氣相沈積方式製備陶瓷金屬化層,再使用銀銅填料合金進行硬銲。在活性硬銲方面,利用銀銅鈦填料合金,直接對陶瓷進行真空硬銲實驗。硬銲結構分析結果顯示,氧化鋁與304不鏽鋼用預金屬化在900℃下硬銲時,從陶瓷一側到不鏽鋼其主要介面的反應層依序為:Al2O3/TiO2/Cu3Ti3O+Ti3Ag/(Ag-Cu)+(Ni+Cu)/ TiFe2+TiO /SS;活性硬銲所產生的主要介面反應層為:Al2O3/TiO/ Cu3Ti3O+Ti3Ag/(Ag-Cu)+ Ti / TiFe2+ TiO/ SS。硬度實驗結果顯示,預金屬化於850℃與活性硬銲於900℃時,其基材與填料合金硬度變化差異較小,相較於其它溫度而言,可避免應力集中現象發生。附著力測試結果顯示,最大接合強度乃使用銀銅填料合金於850℃硬銲時持溫30分鐘,其抗拉強度值達到11 MPa;使用銀銅鈦填料合金於900℃硬銲時持溫30分鐘其抗拉強度亦有9.96 MPa。 關鍵字:真空硬銲、陶瓷金屬化、金屬間化合物 Abstract In this study, we compared two different kinds of filler metal’s effect (72Ag-28Cu、Ag-Cu-5Ti) on vacuum brazed Al2O3 and 304 stainless steel. During experimental procedual, first we used physical vapor deposition (PVD), we fabricated the metallization layer on the ceramic’s surface by sputtering, then brazed by using Ag-Cu filler metals. For active brazing filler metals method, we used Ag-Cu-Ti particle shape filler metal, directly brazed for non-metallized ceramic. Experiment results were show that the interfacial reactions were complex, including Al2O3/TiO2/ Cu3Ti3O+Ti3Ag/(Ag-Cu)+(Ni+Cu)/TiFe2+TiO/SS between Al2O3 and SS by using pre-metallization methods; by using active brazing methods, its major interfacial reaction layers included Al2O3/TiO/ Cu3Ti3O+Ti3Ag/ (Ag-Cu) + Ti / TiFe2+ TiO/ SS. And the micro-hardness test results shown that when brazing temperature are 850℃ and 900℃, the hardness difference between based material and filler metals are smaller than other brazing conditions, and it can avoid stress-concentration efficiently. The pull-off t


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