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第二章 为什么采用绿色基础设施 城市化的快速发展与气候变化同时发生。 第二章 为什么采用绿色基础设施 城市化的快速发展与气候变化同时发生。 与孟子同时代有个叫白圭的水利专家。一次,他自负地对孟子说:“丹之治水愈于禹。”孟子毫不客气地反驳他:“子过矣。禹之治水,水之道也,是故禹以四海为壑。今吾子以邻国为壑。水逆行,谓之洚水。洚水者,洪水也,仁人之所恶也。” 《孟子·告之下》 第二章 为什么采用绿色基础设施 一方面河道缺水,另一方面河道水质差,造成河道上下游矛盾。 第二章 为什么采用绿色基础设施 一方面河道缺水,另一方面河道水质差,造成河道上下游矛盾。 第二章 为什么采用绿色基础设施 城市下穿隧道是内涝的重灾区,传统方法靠泵站强排。 第三章 如何实施绿色基础设施 第三章 如何实施绿色基础设施 第三章 如何实施绿色基础设施 第三章 如何实施绿色基础设施 城区1 城区2 内涝风险水平 第三章 如何实施绿色基础设施 第三章 如何实施绿色基础设施 第三章 如何实施绿色基础设施 第三章 如何实施绿色基础设施 第三章 如何实施绿色基础设施 谢谢 敬请批评指正 王浩正 * The term grey infrastructure in this document refers to traditional stormwater management systems that quickly dispose of stormwater, such as pipes, pumps and lined ditches, or use of detention ponds. * Low impact development (LID) is a land development approach that is intended to reduce development related impacts on water resources through the use of stormwater management practices that infiltrate, evapotranspirate, or harvest and use stormwater on the site where it falls. Green infrastructure (GI) for the purposes of this report can be defined as the natural and man-made landscapes and features that can be used to manage runoff. Examples of natural green infrastructure include forests, meadows and floodplains. Examples of man-made green infrastructure include green roofs, rain gardens and rainwater cisterns. For the purpose of this report the terms LID and GI are used interchangeably even though landscape architects refer to GI as the network of open space nodes and corridor that provide habitat for wildlife. * * But for the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change. (Applause.) Now, it’s true that no single event makes a trend. But the fact is the 12 hottest years on record have all come in the last 15. Heat waves, droughts, wildfires, floods -- all are now more frequent and more intense. We can choose to believe tha


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