M2 Unit 4课件 M2 Unit 4New words.pptVIP

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3. 一般疑问式及其回答 由“Am/Is/Are+主语+being+过分?”构成,答语一般采用简略式,使用助动词am, is或are。 1) —Is the car being repaired? —Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 2) —Are they being treated by the doctors ? —Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 特殊疑问式及其回答主要有三种句式,回答时,不能使用yes或no,而应根据实际情况回答。 a:疑问词(作主语)+is/are+ being+过去分词? —What is being done over there? —A new lake is being built. 特殊疑问式及其回答主要有三种句式,回答时,不能使用yes或no,而应根据实际情况回答。 b:疑问词(作定语)+主语+is/are+ being+过去分词? —How many apples are being shipped? —One hundred tons. 特殊疑问式及其回答主要有三种句式,回答时,不能使用yes或no,而应根据实际情况回答。 c:疑问词+is/are+主语+being+过去分词? —Where are the machines being repaired? —In the factory. 现在进行时被动语态的用法 1. 表现正在进行或发生的被动动作,常 与now, look等词连用。 He is being operated on in the hospital. Helicopters are being sent (by us )to rescue them now. 2. 表示现阶段或目前这段时间正在进行的被动动作,但这一被动动作在此时此刻不一定正在发生。 A new factory is being built. They are being taught English at present. 3. 表示一种经常性或习惯性的被动行为,常与always, forever, continually, constantly等词连用,往往带有夸张、羡慕、赞扬、责备、厌烦及埋怨等感情色彩。 The naughty boy is always being scolded by his father. Tom is always being praised by the teacher. * New words 必修二第三单元 语法填空1 1.exploring 2. if/whether 3. better 4. the 5. applications 6. As 7. totally 8. with 9. of 10. devoted 语法填空2 1. about 2. of 3. download 4. use 5. by 6. to make 7. had come 8. a 9. designing 10. away 语法填空3 1. over 2. arose 3. do 4. After 5. Personally 6. connected 7. a 8. However 9. With 10. determined 语法填空4 1. when 2. the/my 3. on 4. because 5. excitement 6. Even 7. ever 8. and 9. greatly 10. fun (in) doing 1.Suffix v.---n. protect ----protection ---protective lose---loss respond----response relieve---relief laugh—laughter contain--- container 容器 affect----effect appreciate---appreciation succeed---success employ---employer employee inspect---inspection n. –adj. distance---distant importance—important power--powerful a sense of security ---secure harm—harmful


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