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September 25, 2013 Wednesday No. 23 Teaching aims and demands : New words in Unit 4 Body language Step One Read the new words in Unit 4 M4 Step Two Word formation I.派生词---后缀 v.—n. 2、合成词 crossroad 3、兼类词v. n. II. Important phrases 1.保卫…以免受2. 很可能…;有希望… 3. 总的来说;通常 4. 舒适;自由自在 5. 丢脸 6. 背对;背弃 1. defend against 2. be likely to 3. in general 4.at ease 5.lose face 6. turn one’s back to Step Three learn the use of some important words 1. a public /written /official statement statesman stateswoman make/issue a statement 2. greet the New Year greet sb. with a friendly smile Exchange greeting Christmas /birthday greeting 3 .represent: stand for His opinion represents that of the majority. What do the red lines on the map represent ? ---railways The dove represents peace. 鸽子象征 representative n. 代表 从世界各个地方来的代表将会参加这个会议。 Representatives from all countries will attend the meeting. He represents himself as an expert.称自己是/把自己说成是专家 4. book/ catch/miss a flight 5. curious adj. = eager to learn or know be curious about sth. 对……好奇The boy was curious about everything he saw. *Don’t be too curious about things you’re not supposed to know. be curious to do sth. 急于……I’m curious to know what she said. He looked at me curiously. out of curiosity 出于好奇 Out of curiosity, he opened the letter. in/with curiosity 好奇地 I’m curious how he’ll settle the problem. It’s curious that she left without saying goodbye. 6. approach 名词 n. 靠近;临近;接近 going near or nearer to a place Don’t give up! We are approaching our goal. The summer/autumn is approaching. 夏季即将来临。=drawing near n. 方法;步骤;通路;通道 try out a new approach to language teaching At the meeting they discussed three different ________to the study of mathematics. A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways A 7.defend out rights We should defend the child from harm.保护免遭 Their duty is to defend the country against its enemies. 保卫国家抵御敌人 The


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