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Unit 3 M3复习 Name________ 一、词义题 permit, scene, novel, steak,dessert, stare, indeed, manner, decade, spot, barber, bow, scream, passage 1 The movie opens with a _________ in a New York apartment. 2 How would you like your ________ done? –Medium(5分熟). 3 Jane always comes up with some _________ ideas at a meeting. 4 You mustn’t park here without a parking _________. 5 _________ is sweet food served at the end of a meal. 6 The girl is _________ at the stranger with her eyes wide open. 7 It is bad _________ to litter about. 8 I have just ________ a mistake on the front cover of the magazine. 9 I have my hair cut once a month at the _________. 10 People ran for the exits, _________ out in terror. 11 A dark narrow __________ led to the main hall. 12 All the people __________ down before the Emperor. 13 A _________ is a period of ten years. 14 A friend in need is a friend _________. 二、 词形变化 1.The Million Pound Bank Note is a famous novel (set)in the England 2. She is (adventure), outgoing, and ready to enjoy life. 3. The photographer saw a man (climb)to the widow when he took picture. 4. She was not permitted (come)into the family’s money. 5. Would you mind me (smoke)here? 6. When I got home, I found the door (lock). 7. She found the novel difficult (read). 8. I (go) to bed when somebody knocked at my door. 9. This decision is highly (advantage)to us. 10. After (put)down the book and (pick)up a piece of chalk, our teacher began speaking. 三、词组填空(注意所填短语的形式变化): go ahead ,account for ,to be honest, in rags , by accident , bring up, stare at, on the contrary, take a chance, as for 1 Philip couldn’t __________ his absence from school, which made me angry.. 2 –Could I use your phone for a while? --Sure, __________. 3 Look at that poor man dressed __________. 4 __________, he will never lie to any of us. 5 I got the news from Tom __________. 6 He was __________________ in a small village by his grandma. 7 _____


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